
Critizing Sport Grill Restaurant

Sport Grill Restaurant

Talk about Sport Grill Restaurant: lets say you went there last weekend and you have to criticize what youdid like it and whatyou did NOT the pro and cons about food, service, waiter, everthing good you can say so it look like i went to that restaurant kind of evaluation

First, visit your subject and take notes. Decide on the restaurant you’d like to evaluate. Resist the temptation to dash into the first fast food restaurant that you see; instead, consider the local diner or sports bar that isn’t as well known. Visit  the restaurant and take notes before, during, and after your meal. Walk around while taking notes.The details gained from firsthand knowledge are necessary in concluding that the restaurant  is good, bad, or somewhere in between. Try not to choose a restaurant that involves a faraway location, like Danielle Cordero’s spring break options in her evaluation found in Chapter 7, since you will be forced to do research on the Internet to get the details. The point of the field observation is to rely on your own experience and observations, not someone else’s. Secondly, compile a short list of criteria or standards with which you can evaluate your restaurant. Choose standards that are detailed; for example, Danielle Cordero’s standards in her spring break options were (a) a variety of activities with enough time for relaxation for almost a week; (b) food and shelter not to exceed $60 per person, per night; and (c) the use of one tank of gas to and from the destination. Notice that each of these three standards is detailed enough and objective; either the destinations met or did not meet these standards. Your aim at all times is to appear unbiased; objectivity is the “name of the game” here. Choose just three standards that you will use to judge the effectiveness or quality of the restaurant.
Next, review your notes or research, and pick out details to describe your subject using a balanced approach. That is, provide information that is positive and negative. Using this approach, bias will be minimized and fairness in judgment will come across to the reader. Even though her last spring break option, Louisville, became her final choice, Danielle Cordero still had a short section on the drawbacks of choosing this city, beneath the long section on its strengths.
Finally, decide on your overall assessment of your subject. Weigh both the advantages and drawbacks, and include reasons for your decision.
See the chart below on the difference between vague and detailed support. Vague support in the three paragraphs in the left column consists of plenty of ideas but no examples or analysis of these examples. Detailed support in the three paragraphs in the right column consists of ideas and examples to support those ideas, followed by analysis. Note the use of capital letter examples in each paragraph: capital letters that exist in a sentence—not counting the capitalized first word of a sentence—signal details.
Vague support    Detailed Support
TV has negative effects on young children. Violent programs show that violence easily solves problems. I watch shows every day and my kids sit with me and watch these shows every day. I see how this statement is correct, that the programs show that by using violence, you can solve any of your many personal problems very easily. This has a really negative effect on young kids like my kids, and they see that violent programs easily solve their problems from the shows that they watch on TV every day.    The effects of TV on children can be explosively negative. First, violent programs let kids know that violence is the answer. So many TV shows aired on family-friendly hours (afternoon and early evenings) depict people solving their problems by use of force, whether it’s a gun or other deadly weapon. “CSI: Miami,” for example, aired a show recently showing a man killing a female witness who had to be disposed of – or she would tell about the illegal prostitution ring he operated. His problem could have been solved through nonviolent means – turning himself in and serving his prison time – but he chose to take the easy way out. And this isn’t the only episode; tons of TV shows depict characters who shoot, maim, or torture others instead of following the law; this is the opposite of the message that society should be showing young children.
“Family Guy,” “The Simpsons,” and “South Park” are perfect examples of programs that solve problems with violence. I watch these shows sometimes, and every time I watch them there is some type of violence on the show. I remember one episode of “Family Guy” when the wife learned karate and she got mad with her husband and kicked his butt using all the karate moves she learned. It is sad that so many shows nowadays show violence and they are teaching kids that violence is how you solve problems, because I remember once my sister and my brother were fighting. They should change these shows to make them educational.    Second, nonviolent programs let kids know that complex problems, like losing weight or something else, shouldn’t take time and sweat; instead, it takes money and knowing the right product – simple solutions. Even nonviolent shows have characters that aren’t exactly role models, and if there isn’t a role model in a child’s life, he or she will model their behavior on TV characters. “The Apprentice” is only an hour (45 minutes if commercials are cut) and shows tasks that would normally take days or weeks be completed in an hour. On one episode, contestants had to make an ad campaign for Levi’s, which would take a minimum of weeks; they completed it in what seemed like minutes. Unfortunately, this “quick fix” solution is shown repeatedly, show after show, teaching kids that even the toughest task should take minutes if you’re bright and clever enough, and if not, you’re not bright at all; quick = intelligence is the formula sold on TV to young, impressionable minds.
Commercials brainwash kids into seeking quick fixes to problems. The cereal bar commercials can cause children to dismiss the need for a balanced breakfast. The very popular sports drink commercial vividly advertises the drink as energy-building and thirst quenching. The bandage commercials have a quick fix to cuts and scrapes. A cereal has a jingle claiming it to be “magically delicious” when the only magic is how they can put so much sugar in one box of cereal and pass it off as a breakfast for kids.    Finally, commercials brainwash kids to seek quick fixes. Instead of teaching kids that often lots of effort and hard work are required in a task, commercials teach the opposite: you can buy your way to success. If you’re overweight, commercials teach kids that popping diet pills and powders can do the magic that healthy eating and exercise cannot. If you want to look like Kim Kardashian, simply take QuickTrim, and you’ll look like the reality star in no time: that’s the message. If you want to be a champion, simply eat Wheaties, the “breakfast of champions,” and you’ll achieve athletic success like any of the many athletes featured on this cereal box over the years. Kids learn this and believe that any problem, whether it’s losing weight or getting in shape, has simple solutions. The reality, as we adults know, is far more complex: you can stuff yourself with any number of quick fixes, but long-term success is dependent on the old standbys: hard work and perseverance. Why is it so necessary to hide the truth?
Drafting and Revising
Once you’ve completed the steps above for pre-writing, start a draft of your paper. There are two organizational patterns: criterion-by-criterion pattern, as Danielle Cordero used in her paper; or strengths-and-weaknesses pattern, as was used in the description of the Mini Cooper Clubman. For shorter evaluations like the one you will be doing, the criterion-by-criterion pattern is more appropriate. The organization is described below. Once you’re finished your draft, review your paper carefully from the point of view of your prospective reader. Delete obvious phrases such as “in my opinion” or “I think that.”  Avoid jargon or overly technical information; your reader is unlikely to be an expert in the subject. By the same token, avoid clichés or overly used phrases that have different meanings to every reader.
As with every assignment, run your paper through a Spell Checker, keeping in mind that not every word is flagged as incorrect, and some errors will not be flagged. Put your paper in the Dropbox at the end of Week 1. It will be graded and returned to you within a few days; be sure to download and read the feedback your instructor has given to you on this paper, as it will help you improve in time for the next paper.

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