current mangement problem or issue
Each student will submit a term paper (10-12 pages,1.5 spaces, Times New Roman) that selects a current management problem or issue, and applies one or more principles of management discussed in the class to the problem. For example, one might select the problem of how the recording industry ought to respond to unauthorized electronic distribution of music over the Internet from the perspective of strategic planning and control. Or, how NASA ought to organize its decision process to minimize the risk of future disasters from the perspective of organization design and decision-making. Each week you should consider the topics presented and how they might apply to your industry of business.
The format of the paper should be as follows:
Introduction of the problem
Statement of major relevant principles to be applied
Analysis and application of principles
It is expected that the statement of the issue or problem will be drawn from the newspaper or newsmagazine or similar accounts. There should be citations of materials consulted to develop the statement of the problem. At least three sources should be used for the problem statement.
With the statement of major management principles or management conceptual ideas to apply to the problem there should be an articulation of these principles or conceptual ideas with citation of materials consulted. Again at least three sources should be cited here as well. While the textbook material may be a starting point for the development of this section, it is expected that the student will go beyond the text to the other readings or do additional research in the literature in the development of these principles or conceptual ideas.
In the analysis section the student will systematically apply the principles or conceptual ideas to the problem. This is the analysis part of the paper and it is not expected that new principles or different problems would be introduced here. This is an application section.
The conclusion is expected to be a short section in which the student draws final conclusions from the analysis. The conclusion section might differ from the analysis section in that the analysis might yield more than one option, and the conclusion draws a single inference.
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