Debating of Human Rights
Debating Human Rights
Essay plan and Annotated Bibliography Activity
Your name: John Sekoferre
Write Your Essay Question Here: What is the difference between RTD (The Right to devilment) and HRBA (Human Rights-Based Approach to Development?
Complete this sentence:
In this essay, I will argue that….
Provide, as indicated below, a dot point plan of your essay:
Introduction (provide a one sentence summary)
Essay Body (provide 3 to 6 points that structure your argument)
Conclusion (provide a one sentence summary)
Your completed essay is required to have 2000 words of main text.
The footnotes and bibliography are not included in that word count.
Annotated Bibliography
In this part of the exercise, you are required to do the following:
- Choose six items which inform your thinking about your essay. These items should be made up of two books; two articles from academic journals; and, two other items: blog posts, newspaper or magazine articles, websites, etc. (Note that your essay bibliography itself should contain considerably more than these six items).
- Provide full and correct bibliographic details for your six items according to the International Relations Essay Writing Guide, found here:
- For each item, briefly explain what it is, how it is relevant to your essay, and what information or reasoning you are using from it to sustain your own argument.
Insert your annotated bibliography below:
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