
Define and recognize examples of Subjective and Objective data

Define and recognize examples of Subjective and Objective data Topic:
Exam 3 Remediation
Chapter 1: Evidence-Based Assessment
Define and recognize examples of Subjective and Objective data
Identify order and tasks of each step of the Nursing Process
Recognize the difference between different levels of Nursing Experience
Chapter 4: The Complete Health History
Identify guidelines for recommending immunizations
Identify examples of what should be documented in the medication reconciliation
Identify and understand each component of mnemonic PQRSTU and its place within the health history
Identify how a review of systems should be recorded
Chapter 5: Mental Status Assessment
Define orientation
Define Alert, Lethargy, Coma, and Delirium
Define ABCT and differentiate the components involved within each level
Chapter 10: Vital Signs
Identify how to assess a Pulse and normal findings for the Rate , Rhythm, and Force
Identify how cardiac output affects blood pressure
Identify vital sign changes in the Aging Adult
Identify Major Risk Factors for Patients with Hypertension
Chapter 11: Pain Assessment
Determine the most reliable indicator of pain
Identify Physiological Responses to Poorly Controlled Chronic Pain
Identify Pulmonary Physiological Responses to acute pain
Pain in the Aging Adult: What does pain signify?
Identify Chronic Pain Behaviors
Differentiate Acute versus Chronic Pain
Chapter 13: Skin, Hair, and Nails
Identify skin, hair, nail changes for the aging adult
Identify prevention strategies for skin cancer
Identify etiologies for skin color changes: pallor
Identify areas to assess skin color changes for light and dark skin persons: pallor, cyanosis, jaundice, erythema
Identify skin danger signs: ABCDEF
Identify Primary skin lesions: Macule, Papule, Vesicles
Identify technique used to assess skin Texture
Identify stages of Pressure Ulcers/Injuries
Understand the skin findings for Abnormality: Herpes Zoster
Identify what causes changes in skin turgor
Chapter 14: Head, Face, and Neck
Identify changes that occur in head, face, and neck of the aging adult
Characteristics of Headaches: Tension, Cluster, Migraine
Identify how expectations when assessing Lymph nodes in adults
Identify clinical manifestations of Hyperthyroidism
Identify clinical manifestations of Hypothyroidism
Identify clinical manifestations of Bell’s palsy
Identify clinical manifestations of Stroke
Chapter 15: Eyes
Identify normal pupillary light reflex
Identify effects of Macular Degeneration
Chapter 16: Ears
Identify Ear changes associated with the Aging Adult
Chapter 17: Nose, Mouth, and Throat
Identify changes that occur in the nose, mouth, and throat of the aging adult
Chapter 19: Thorax and Lungs
Differentiate breath sounds (bronchial, vesicular, bronchovesicular) and their locations.
Identify what can cause Hypoventilation and Tachypnea
Identify clinical manifestations of pulmonary embolism
Identify clinical manifestations of pneumonia
Identify clinical manifestations of emphysema
Identify ways to describe wheezing, stridor, and crackles
Chapter 20: Heart and Neck Vessels
Identify clinical manifestations of heart failure
Identify clinical manifestations and description of acute coronary syndrome
Identify clinical manifestations and description of angina

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