Dementia – Lewy bodies
Order Description
Task description
Dementia with Lewy bodies
Using current scientific literature to support your writing, describe the chosen dementia with Lewy bodies in terms of its biological presentation, its impact on cognitive function and associated behavioural change. Also include a paragraph reflecting on the impact this knowledge has on practice.
Task length
1500 words (in total)
Part A Scientific Essay – approximately 1200 words
Part B Reflection – approximately 300 words
Assessment criteria
1. Demonstrate knowledge of biology and function of the brain, abnormal ageing processes and the dementias.
2. Analyse and interpret information.
3. Demonstrate a capacity to reflect and apply dementia-related knowledge.
Task description
Dementia with Lewy bodies
Using current scientific literature to support your writing, describe the chosen dementia with Lewy bodies in terms of its biological presentation, its impact on cognitive function and associated behavioural change. Also include a paragraph reflecting on the impact this knowledge has on practice.
Task length
1500 words (in total)
Part A Scientific Essay – approximately 1200 words
Part B Reflection – approximately 300 words
Assessment criteria
1. Demonstrate knowledge of biology and function of the brain, abnormal ageing processes and the dementias.
2. Analyse and interpret information.
3. Demonstrate a capacity to reflect and apply dementia-related knowledge.
Use appropriate academic writing style, correct grammar and spelling, clear and readable presentation, academic referencing using APA style referencing
I have attached the marking criteria below to assist with what is required
MarkingCriteria– Essay Weighting 45%
Criterion 1
Demonstrate knowledge of biology and function of the brain in terms of abnormal processes and the dementias.
Weighting 30% In your essay, you:
Thoroughly and accurately demonstrated an extensive and detailed knowledge and understanding of the chosen dementia in terms of its biological presentation, its impact on cognitive function and associated behavioural change. In your essay, you:
Thoroughly demonstrated a detailed knowledge and understanding of the biology and function of the chosen dementia in terms of its biological presentation, its impact on cognitive function and associated behavioural change. In your essay, you:
demonstrated some knowledge of the biology and function of the chosen dementia in terms of its biological presentation, its impact on cognitive function and associated behavioural change. In your essay, you:
demonstrateda sufficient knowledge of the biology and function of the chosen dementia in terms of its biological presentation, its impact on cognitive function and associated behavioural change. In your essay, you:
did not provide a clear picture of the biology and function of the chosen dementia in terms of its biological presentation, its impact on cognitive function or associated behavioural change.
Criterion 2
Analyse and interpret information.
Weighting 30% located, evaluated and synthesised an extensive range of highly relevant information regarding the biology and function of the brain with regard to abnormal ageing processes related to your chosen dementia. located, evaluated and synthesised a range of relevant information regarding the biology and function of the brain with regard to abnormal ageing processes related to your chosen dementia. located, evaluated and incorporateda range of relevant information regarding the biology and function of the brain with regard to abnormal ageing processes related to your chosen dementia. located and collated partly relevant information regarding the biology and function of the brain with regard to abnormal ageing processes related to your chosen dementia. used information from sources that were tenuously related to the biology and function of the brain with regard to abnormal ageing processes related to your chosen dementia.
Criterion 3
Demonstrate a capacity to reflect and apply dementia related knowledge.
Weighting 30% clearly and thoroughly related the information on the chosen dementia to specific practice strategies that could be implemented in a workplace, providing significant depth of analysis and justification for implementation of these strategies. clearly and thoroughly related the information on the chosen dementia to specific practice strategies that could be implemented in a workplace, providing depth of analysis and justification for implementation of these strategies. clearlyrelated the information on the chosen dementia to specific practice strategies that could be implemented in a workplace, providing some analysis and some justification for implementation of these strategies. related the information on the chosen dementia to specific practice strategies that could be implemented in a workplace, providing some justification for implementation of these strategies. provided limited linking between the
chosen dementia and specific practice strategies that could be implemented in a workplace, and did not justify the implementation of these strategies.
Criterion 4
Use appropriate academic writing style, correct
grammar and
spelling, clear and readable presentation, academic referencing using the APA style.
Weighting 10% logically and succinctly structured the content to create a cohesive and coherent analytical piece of work
consistently adhered to grammatical conventions
accurately and consistently adhered to APA referencing conventions, in both the text and the reference list. logically structured the content to create a cohesive and coherent analytical piece of work
mainly adhered to grammatical conventions
almost always accurately and consistently adhered to APA referencing conventions, in both the text and the reference list. logically structured the content to create a comprehensible, mainly descriptive piece of work
mostly followed grammatical conventions
accurately followed, for the most part, APA referencing conventions in both the text and the reference list. partially structured the content into loosely linked rudimentary paragraphs to create a comprehensible, descriptive piece of work
mostly followed grammatical conventions
followed some APA referencing conventions in both the text and the reference list. partially structured the content
occasionally used grammatical conventions
occasionally or did not reference and acknowledge the source of information.
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