Describe a significant public health issue
• Describe a significant public health issue as if the reader has no previous knowledge.
• Use current local, state or national statistics and other published literature to support the significance of the public health issue selected.
• Include three unique interventions published in the scholarly literature in the paper.
• Intervention #1 – Describe the following:
a) level of the intervention;
b) target audience;
c) experimental/control group;
d) intervention methods and materials;
e) intervention outcomes.
• Intervention #2 – Describe the following:
a) level of the intervention;
b) target audience;
c) experimental/control group;
d) intervention methods and materials;
e) intervention outcomes.
• Intervention #3 – Describe the following:
a) level of the intervention;
b) target audience;
c) experimental/control group;
d) intervention methods and materials;
e) intervention outcomes.
• Summarize the strengths and weaknesses of the intervention methods used in the interventions described.
• Comment on the potential future impact or generalizability of the interventions described.
• Write clearly (i.e. no jargon, idioms, conversational language) using correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Do not include quotes longer than seven words.
• Follow guidelines for formatting and page limits (e.g. papers exceeding the page limit will be penalized).
• In-text citations using APA (most recent edition). Use quotation marks and an appropriate APA citation for all strings of 4-7 words from any author. No more than seven words should be quoted.
• Reference page formatted using APA (most recent edition).
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