
Describe three ways in which Ritz-Carlton could extend their reach to their customers perform CRM functions via the Internet.

Describe three ways in which Ritz-Carlton could extend their reach to their customers perform CRM functions via the Internet.

Ritz-Carlton – Specialists in their Customers Bill Kapner, CEO of Bigdough, a provider of software financier, was recorded Ritz-Carlton in Palm Beach, Florida. Before the submission was received and greeted (By name) at the reception. Then they asked: “Is this sushi you will be dining night?” The interesting thing about this conversation is that Bill never mentioned his taste for food Japanese; “I was stunned,” he said. The Ritz-Carlton is the only company services to win two (2) times the prestigious National Quality Award Malcolm Baldrige. Many companies worldwide strive to be the “Ritz-Carlton” of their industries. In 2000, the company launched the Leadership Center at the Ritz-Carlton which anyone can study the culture of customer service brand for a fee approximately $ 2,000. The center has served more than 800 companies including Starbucks, Microsoft and Coca-Cola. The following six steps can be followed and implemented by any company to become the “Ritz-Carlton” of your industry: 1. Turn your customer service into an elite club. Ritz-Carlton has devised a rigorous interview process to identify workers in positive team that, according to its own statistics, are the best. Executives believe the company is selecting effective not only great talent, but also transmitting message that work at the Ritz-Carlton is a privilege. 2. Once you have the right people, adoctrínelos. Ritz-Carlton invests about $ 5,000 to train each new employee. Begins with an introduction by two days to the values ​​of the company (everything is focused on the service) along with a 21-day course focused on your job responsibilities, For example, “28 ways to greet a guest”: A warm and sincere welcome, use the guest’s name whenever possible. Tracy Butler Hamilton a withdrawal bond trader who has been at the Ritz-Carlton Atlanta different occasions, stressed that the “bartender” hotel not only remembered her name but also the name and favorite drink of his brother, who sometimes She visited. “He was not even a hotel guest,” said Hamilton. 3. Treat employees on how they should treat the customers. He Ritz-Carlton motto – “We are ladies and gentlemen serving ladies and gentlemen” – It might sound corny, but it is taken seriously. The company celebrates not only birthdays of employees but also their employment anniversaries. Regardless of their position, an employee may spend up to $ 2,000, without administrative approval, to solve a problem of a guest. Employees say that this policy allows them to make an impact staff experience of a host, translating this into a greater job satisfaction. 4. Offer a “memorable” service. “A what others call complaints, we call opportunities. “A euphemism spent elsewhere, the idea is really adopted at the Ritz-Carlton. On one occasion, an administrative assistant in the RitzCarlton Philadelphia, he overheard a guest complaining that he had forgotten pack formal shoes and was going to have to get some slippers for a meeting important; the next morning, she handed the man impressed a couple new shoes in your size and favorite color. (In a more intimate example, a housemaid recently he exchanged shoes with a woman who needed a different pair.) 5. Talk about values ​​and inject enthusiasm. Every day, in every hotels in the chain, the more than 25,000 employees at Ritz-Carlton participate in a short 15-minute session to discuss any of its basic principles. East ritual makes the Ritz-Carlton one of the few large companies that assigns a time for a daily discussion about their core values. 6. Avoid technology except where improve service. Other hotels can be experimenting with kiosks for automating records, but not the Ritz-Carlton. “Neither in 1 million years,” said Vivian Deuschl, the Vice-President of Foreign Public company. “Do not replace human service machines.” But the porters and janitors use headphones, so when they see the name guest on luggage, post information to the reception. Additionally, a proprietary database called the “Customer Satisfaction Loyalty Anticipation System “, stores the preferences of the guests, for example, if a person He liked Seagram’s Ginger Ale or Canada Dry. The software also alerts receptionists when a guest who is hung in a Ritz-Carlton others, has the habit of asking what is the best sushi in the area. Questions 1. What are the 2 types of CRM and how it has used to become Ritz-Carlton a customer service business world-class? 2. 6 steps Customer Service Ritz-Carlton, what do you think is the most important to your business? 3. Order the 6 steps Customer Service Ritz-Carlton High to Low important for a business like 4. Describe three ways in which Ritz-Carlton could extend their reach to their customers perform CRM functions via the Internet. 5. What benefits gains (or win) Ritz-Carlton using Analytical CRM?

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