
Descriptive statistics such as mean, median, mode, range, variance, standard deviation, etc Graphs, charts, tables, plots, or histograms

PART A: review the Writing Rubric in Materials below.

2. Find a research article that includes the following:

Descriptive statistics such as mean, median, mode, range, variance, standard deviation, etc
Graphs, charts, tables, plots, or histograms
3. In a Microsoft Word document, write an essay of your findings and submit it below. For charts and graphs, describe what type of chart or graph is being used and which variables it is describing. Include direct quotes if necessary, and make sure to cite your article. WRITEING RUBIC:Writing Rubric

1)    Content of writing and evidence of critical thought

Little or no grasp of topic or sense of purpose. (5)

Thesis or main idea is nonexistent or very weakly presented. (5)

Little or no awareness of audience, opposing opinions, and topic complexities. (5)

Emerging grasp of topic and sense of purpose.  (6)

Thesis (or main idea) is emerging but insufficient.

Emerging awareness of audience, opposing opinions, and topic complexities.
Reasonably good grasp of topic and sense of purpose.

Thesis (or main idea) is reasonably clear, relevant, and convincing.

Reasonably good awareness of audience, opposing opinions, and topic complexities.
(7)    Excellent grasp of topic and strong sense of purpose.  (8)

Thesis (or main idea) is very clear, relevant, convincing, and significant.  (8)

Exceptional understanding of audience, opposing opinions, and topic complexities.

2)    Organization and Development


Structure: organization into paragraphs (or other component parts) is weak or nonexistent.

Development: paragraphs (or other component parts) are skimpy, incomplete, and weakly developed.
Structure: organization into paragraphs (or other component parts) is present but with some deficiencies.

Development: paragraphs (or other component parts) are partially or somewhat developed.

Structure: organization into paragraphs (or other component parts) is good, with very few deficiencies.

Development: paragraphs (or other component parts) are reasonably unified and well-developed.

Structure: organization into paragraphs (or other component parts) is excellent.

Development: all paragraphs (or other component parts) are organized, unified and well-developed.

3)    Sentence-level issues (Syntax, Style, Spelling, Grammar)
Clarity: many or most sentences are difficult to read.

Correctness: frequent errors of spelling, punctuation, grammar, word usage.

Care: sentences carelessly written with little or no evidence of revision, editing, or proofreading.  (5)    Clarity: sentences readable, with a significant number awkwardly, simplistically, or unclearly written.

Correctness: sentence level errors of spelling, punctuation, grammar,
and word usage are common.

Care: sentences show some evidence of revision, editing, and proofreading.
(6)    Clarity: most sentences clear and readable, with occasional lapses.

Correctness: most sentences characterized by correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, and word usage— with some lapses.  (7)

Care: clear evidence of editing, revision, and proofreading— with some lapses.  (7)    Clarity: all sentences are well-crafted, clear, and readable.  (8)

Correctness: exemplary spelling, punctuation, grammar, and word usage.

Care: careful editing, revision, and proofreading.

4)    Use of research (Quotations, Citations, Documentation) using APA style

Quality / relevance of research, evidence, and sources utilized is weak.

Quotation, citation, and/or attribution of sourced material is absent or incorrect.
Quality / relevance of research, evidence, and sources utilized is reasonable but inconsistent.

Quotation, citation, and/or attribution of sourced material is present but weak.

Quality / relevance of research, evidence, and sources utilized is good– with occasional lapses.

Quotation, citation, and/or attribution of sourced material is good– with occasional lapses.

Quality / relevance of research, evidence, and sources utilized is excellent.

Quotation, citations, and/or attribution of sources is executed correctly.

5)    Proper use of APA for Reference Page

APA style is not evident
(1)    APA style is inconsistent
(2)    APA style is appropriate with occasional lapses (3)    APA style is evident and consistent (4)

6)    Comments (strengths, weaknesses, suggestions for revision):
Part B second page of research paper You will be useing datasetmay spread sheet for this in sofastat program which can be downloaded for free
Pay special attention on how to perform statistical tests and create charts/graphs using SOFA. In addition, review the Writing Rubric in Materials below.

2. Make sure you have SOFA installed and that it is working properly. See Reading 2 if you have not yet done this.

3. Make sure your data sets are correctly uploaded in SOFA.

4. Choose two variables from the data set and run Descriptive Statistics or Summary Statistics such as mean, median, mode, range, variance, standard deviation, etc.

5. Choose two variables from the data set (they can be the same two you chose for Step 4) and produce a graph, chart, table, plot, or histogram for each. Explore different options and choose the two that you think best describes or visualizes the data.

6. Include your findings in a Microsoft Word document.

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