
Designing a Magazine Layout, Part I

Designing a Magazine Layout, Part I

Assignment Preparation: Activities include watching the videos, independent student reading, and research. Watch Ch. 1, “Learn InDesign in Thirty Minutes,” of the “InDesign CC Essential Training,” video. Watch Ch. 10, “Managing Objects,” of the “InDesign CC Essential Training,” video. Watch Ch. 11, “Transforming Objects,” of the “InDesign CC Essential Training,” video. Watch Ch. 17, “Interactive Documents,” of the “InDesign CC Essential Training,” video. Assignment: Select a magazine genre such as sports, popular weeklies, fashion, and so on. Research how your selected magazine genre typically approaches layout and cover design. Create a cover for a magazine that typifies the style of your selected genre. Create an Adobe® InDesign® file that is 71/2 by 10 inches in print format. This is the file size you will be using for the remainder of the course in your individual assignments. Select a royalty-free or non-copyrighted image from the Internet or provide your own image for your cover page. Ensure that you properly cite and document your image and include it with your submission. The image you select should be appropriate for classroom use in an 71/2 by 10 inch format. Avoid pixilation in this assignment. Write and place titles and text typically found on the type of magazine you are designing. Complete your magazine cover, bringing together all your components into one design that keeps the target audience of your magazine genre in mind. Create two additional pages using the Pages panel. Use the rectangle tool to create a background for your Content Page. Content will be added to these pages in Week Two. Submit a Microsoft Word citations page of all of the resources used in the development of your assignment. Save the .Ind file to your hard drive. Submit your completed page as a .PDF and a .Ind file.

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