develop and implement policy
This assessment task will demonstrate your skills in research, report writing, and presentation skills and considering the effectiveness of a policy during the development and implementation phases.
Unit Code/ Name CHCORG428A Reflect on and improve own professional practice
Program Code / Name CHC50612 Diploma of Community Services Work – Uniting
Teacher/Assessor Name Simone Silberberg
Assessment No AS3
Assessment Title Presentation: self evaluation of professional practice
Due Date Practical Assessment Week (2 to 6 November 2015)
Assessment Purpose
To consider and reflect on your professional awareness and skills gained during your studies for the Diploma of Community Services Work.
Assessment Details
Presentation: self-evaluation of professional practice
Consider and reflect on the professional experiences you have had during your studies for the Diploma of Community Services Work. This may include placement, working or volunteering in community service organisations as well as knowledge, skills and awareness gained through learning activities and working on assessments.
Undertake a self-evaluation of your practice drawing on information from a range of sources including but not limited to:
– self-reflection from AS1
– feedback from supervisors, teachers and others and
– theoretical studies.
Deliver a 10-15 minute presentation to the class reflecting on your learning journey, and development of your personal capability to meet professional standards of the community services industry. Share information that will be of interest to your peers and provide them with an opportunity of learning from your experiences.
Include the following in your presentation:
– How well you have developed work management skills including time management, prioritising workload, following procedures, etc.
– How you have worked with a wide range of people including networking with those outside the organisation
– How you have demonstrated negotiation and decision making skills
– How the work you do / did addresses social justice
– How you have faced and resolved ethical dilemmas using the expected ethical and professional standards
– A time you demonstrated awareness and sensitivity to culture or conflict
– How you have benefited from supervision and feedback
– A current trend and issue for the sector that you are particularly interested in
– What you have learned about yourself and the community services sector (strengths and areas of development)
Specific requirements
Word Count Guideline Not relevant
Referencing Not required
Format & Structure 10 to 15 minute presentation – you can use powerpoint or any other media
File Name Save your presentation on your desk top or USB with the following name:
[your surname]_ [your first name.]_CHCORG428A_AS3
Example: Smith_John_CHCORG428A_AS3
Submission Upload your presentation by clicking on the CHCORG428A Assessment Task 3 Submit tab on my.TAFE.
Note: Watch the help video located in the CHCORG428A Assessment Task 3 tab for assessment upload instructions
Unit Code/ Name CHCORG428A Reflect on and improve own professional practice
Program Code / Name CHC50612 Diploma of Community Services Work
Teacher/Assessor Name Simone Silberberg
Assessment No AS1
Assessment Title Self-evaluation and self-development plan
Due Date 31/08/2015
Assessment Purpose
The purpose of this assessment is for you to evaluate your work skills and plan future work performance and goals, using self-reflection plus feedback provided by others.
Assessment Details
Step One: Reflect on your demonstration of work skills during studies so far. Use feedback from your previous vocational placement and/or any other work experience.
Step Two: Undertake a critical self-evaluation of your performance using the template provided (see below). Use the template to rate your skills across a range of areas and write in one or two brief examples for each area.
Step Three: In small groups (two or three) discuss this self-evaluation and gather further feedback and suggestions from your peer/s. Your peer/s are to share their evaluation of your skills and provide constructive feedback on your areas of growth.
Step Four: Based on the self-evaluation and peer feedback, develop a plan for how you will strengthen identified areas of growth during your final placement.
Specific requirements
Word Count Guideline Not relevant
Format & Structure Use the provided template
Referencing Referencing is not be required for this assessment.
File Name Save your work on your desk top or USB with the following name:
[your surname]_ [your first name.]_CHCORG428A_AS1
Example: Smith_John_CHCORG428A_AS1
Submission Upload your submission by clicking on the CHCORG428A Assessment Task 1 Submit tab on my.TAFE.
Note: Watch the help video located in the CHCORG428A Assessment Task 1 tab for assessment upload instructions
Rate your skills using examples as evidence Emerging skills Developing skills Confident with skills
I am aware of my own limitations
During my time at work placement, I have respected the contributions from others.
I am always realistic on what I can and can’t do.
I am always keen to asking for help and ask for demonstration whenever I need it
Am realising that other people may have other skills I don’t have
I have confident with my skills however I sometime need more improve
I manage myself (time, workload etc) well
For everything, I consider to do I start by making a plan for it, checking against with other program and activities that I am required to undertake so I can manage the time very well. Not confident with time and workload management
I deal with conflict appropriately and professionally
I have demonstrated ability to resolve conflict when it raises
While I was undertaking my work placement at Red Cross, I learned how to deal with aggressive people
My communication skills enable me to build strong relationships
Effective communication skills are one of the important life skills I always demonstrate at my workplace, School and in my social life.
Ex: my interactive communication with Managers at my workplace maintained good relationship and confidence with my Boss.
I believe to be confident with my communication skills as I have been able to maintain good working and good social relationships.
I am aware of and follow procedures in the workplace At all time I enter the workplace; I plan a time to read the workplace policy and procedures.
Typical example is to know all steps I I have to follow while interacting with clients, and responding to their inquiries.
These are policies I take into consideration at all time:
• Client confidentiality
• Workplace health and Safety I am very confident on the organisational policies that I will follow
I have been aware of the organisations code of ethics and am able to adhere to it During the time I worked at Australian Red Cross, I have been able to locate their code of ethics and asked many questions to the supervisor on how to adhere it . Previously I wasn’t aware of the different between the code of ethics and policy, but since then I knew that the Red cross Code of ethic provide professional guidance to all Red cross networks while policy may only provide guidance to only one or more office I am confident with these skills since I understood the role of code of ethics in Community sector.
I know how I best learnt things on the job I found a bit deference on the job I have done previously and job I am doing in community services industry throughout my placement. During my work placement I have worked to assist people with various disability and behaviour such as assisting people with mental problem, and people who require complex assistance. Interaction with clients and staff members including asking for advice and guidance from a workplace supervisor, reading workplace policies, was my way to know how I can do my job. Since I started my placement, I now believe on my experience added to skills I gain from school and I feel very confortable to get on the track how job is done.
I actively seek and make the most of supervision and feedback opportunities Getting feedback on every single activity I’ have done is something I rely on. Always at the end of task, I ask for feedback and advice from my colleague whether the task assigned to me was properly conducted or more improvement are needed.
I accept a range of feedback My understanding is that, no one can be perfect, Sometime I get good feedback encouraging me but other time get feedback that are not positive on what I have done. I found useful as this gives an opportunity to know what has been wrong, and how to improve. I am always keen to accept both positive and negative feedback.
I make use of organisational support and development opportunities I have gained an opportunity to have access to organisational support and professional development which have enabled me to quick adhere within the workplace Professional development session I have participated on has augmented my skills and made me to be more confident than I was before.
Ex: Maintaining workplace safety professional development at Red cross Bowen Hills.
I recognise the effect of my values, beliefs and behaviours on others During the professional development we have done, we were asked to always recognising to each other own values, beliefs and behaviours. That had as intention to let everyone know each other and not imposing own belief on others.
I seek opportunities for increased cultural awareness Developing a sound level of cultural awareness and competences was a cornerstone of all Organisations I have worked and volunteered with. We have always been advised of cultural awareness and trained in order to genuinely understand cultural differences at each phase of employment process.
Ex: Training at Eagleby Community Association on how to deal and assist client with Aboriginal backgrounds.
I am aware of networking opportunities in the workplace Good working relationships makes good impact on employees. This makes everyone to feel connected, supported and respected.
Ex: when I first started job, I have not demonstrated ability to interact with other co-workers and this made my boss to challenging thinking I am anger person.
Summary of Peer Review
Overall, I believed this student has provided a clear and truth information. Considering his performance during the work placement with us at Eagleby Community Association, Jean Pierre Niyibaruta demonstrate a level of communication skills and he always think twice before he can take any decision.
Robert Executive Assistant| Eagleby Community Association
I found it very useful to work with Jean Pierre at Eagleby Community Association, Student like myself we supported each other. I have learned a lot from him. What I have seen from him as important thing, he always ask for assistance and clarification where he do not understand, He attend always at work and he start by checking and reading workplace policies and procedures so he can understand what to do and is expected from him.
Abdullah Bidole
Student at South Bank Tafe
Jean Pierre the time you were with us at our Bowen Hills Red Cross office, I have personally appreciated your input and commitment you have shown and the great performance resulted from your ability to supervising our clients, and guiding them. Although your hard working you were at that time, many complaints from clients were received. Some have complained against your supervision that you are pressing them while others complained that it was hard to understand you.
Jean Pierre, at our Red Cross branch, our clients are those who are experiencing a high level disability and suffering from mental illness next time when working with our clients you will be aware and understand who you are working with and how you will have to deal with them.
Thank you Jean Pierre Niyibaruta
Suzan Vazelinovic
My Plan for Further Development of Skills
Goal 1: Improve my oral communication skills by delivering a clear and confident presentation.
• Developing a collaborative approach to engage ideas exchange
• Identify and participate in various English conversion and other professional groups
• Engage in researching and writing activities to further improve my writing ability
Goal 2: Researching and engaging in further training and professional development
• Find training organization where I can study and improve my skills
• Identify locally professional development
• Program to participate in.
Goal 3: Seeking for feedback
• Arrangement of convenient time with colleagues and clients for feedback collection on my performance.
• After service delivery, ask clients if they are happy with the services provided
4.Development of professional skills through coaching and mentoring.
• Engaging and creating positive relationship with professional individuals who are working in the industry
• Plan and implement community projects that can improve the community and seek support from professional staffs
5. Developing a sound level of cultural awareness and competences
• Understand and respect everyone’s value
• Getting know and support the benefit of diverse culture in workplace environment
Referenced in ##
Student Name NIYIBARUTA JEAN PIERRE Student Number 9105982709
Student Email Student phone number 0432744293
Unit Code / Name CHCORG428A Reflect on and improve own professional practice
Program Code / Name CHC50612 Diploma of Community Services Work
Assessor Name Simone Silberberg
Due Date 31 August 2015 First Submission Date
Assessment No AS1 Resubmission Date
Assessment Method Self-evaluation and self development plan
Brief Description of Task The purpose of this assessment is for you to evaluate your work skills and plan future work performance and goals, using self-reflection plus feedback provided by others.
Did the student meet the following criteria:
Note: Ensure that the marking criteria aligns with the Elements and Performance Criteria identified for this assessment in the Unit Assessment Plan FM-342
Please add rows as required Result
1st submission
2nd submission
Completed critical self-evaluation covering all areas of template and demonstrating self awareness 1 S
0 U
0 S
0 U
Gathered further feedback from peers 0 S
1 U
1 S
0 U
Collect more comprehensive peer feedback on your strengths and areas of growth
Resubmit addressed this criteria satisfactory
Used feedback, suggestions and reflections to develop plan 0 S
1 U
0 S
0 U
Provide an action plan for self development goals
Use SMART principles to formulate goals
Resubmit addressed this criteria satisfactory
1st Submission
Feedback to candidate (Including additional requirements for reassessment if applicable)
Jean Pierre, your self evaluation was comprehensive. Unfortunately, your peer review was insufficient and you misunderstood the purpose of the self development plan. Please refer to my online session on self development. Remember that our learning support teacher, Kim Rochelle-Brown, can assist in comprehension of assessment task. I am assuming that English is not your first language, so I am encouraging to seek that support. This is a fairly easy assessment. The next one is more complex. Make sure you comprehend the questions, and seek support if necessary.
The Students overall result was: Satisfactory 0
Resubmit 1
Resit Required 0
This signature confirms that the student has participated in the assessment item and received feedback on the result
Assessor Signature Simone Silberberg Date 6/9/15
Resubmission (if applicable) Resubmissions will only be granted if the teacher considers that you have made a genuine attempt at the first assessment. NOTE: Teachers are required to retain the original marked assessment and return a copy to the student.
Feedback to candidate (Including additional requirements for reassessment if applicable)
Well done, Jean Pierre, you addressed the outstanding task comprehensively.
The Students overall result was: Satisfactory 1 Unsatisfactory 0
This signature confirms that the student has participated in the assessment item and received feedback on the result
Assessor Signature Simone Silberberg Date 17/10/15
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