Deviant Acts
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This week I want you to go out in your community and be deviant in some NON CRIMINAL way. For example, wear your clothes on inside out, carry a teddy bear around and treat it like a real human infant or talk out loud to yourself. You may work in groups…say if three people wanted to go on an elveator and face the wrong way and see what happens. Be creative in your deviance. Be sure that you do not violate any laws, do not harm yourself or others and do not put your self or anyone else at risk of harm.
What ever deviant act you engage in do it for an entire day or repeat it at least three times. Then in discussions tell me the following: (1) What you did to be deviant (2) Where you did it (3) What were the reactions of those around you or those that witnesses your deviance (4) Why you think people reacted that way.
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