
Discuss (compare, analyze, integrate) at least 8 pieces of literature in a way that informs your question.

the essay should have at least 8 sources. 3 of them need to be from the reading list of the course, I attached all of them as a PDFs. along with the readings, there are PDF files that have the slides we took in class just in case.
In terms of substance and argument your essay could be called a “problem-centered literature review”
As far as the argument is concernced, you don’t need to
– Come up with a completely original argument (“reinvent the wheel”)
– Contribute a completely original finding
– Necessarily collect your own data, unless they are needed to complement your argument
– Guess on the future or provide policy recommendations (“what will the EU look like? What should the EU do?”)
In the essay, you have to:
– Introduce your research question
– Discuss (compare, analyze, integrate) at least 8 pieces of literature in a way that informs your question. 3 pieces MUST BE DRAWN from the reading list of the course, 5 others should be found through your own research.
– Conclude the essay by summarizing how the literature (and eventually your additional empirics) answer (or at least inform) your question
Criteria for evaluating the final essay
Question: clear, feasible (i.e. narrow)
Argument: clear, informed by theory, backed by evidence, well elaborated, analytical rather than purely descriptive
Structure: clear, signposting, appropriate (minimum: introduction, main part, conclusion), self-contained, paragraphs
Sources: high quality scientific articles and books, primary data, no random websites, not only textbooks.
References: Chrystal-clear, consistent, complete
Mechanics: sophisticated but simple style, cover-page, table of contents; excellent grammar, spelling, punctuation; readable.
Some ideas for topics:
• Select a policy-making phase and focus on it (i.e. implementation: literature on compliance, analysis of operational activities of some Member States, or of agencies or of international organisations such as UNHCR and IOM)
• Focus on a theoretical debate and analysis one/more under-explored empirical cases applying the theoretical framework (securitization theory, functionalism, intergovernmentalism)
• Choose an actor/group of actors (EU institutions, some groups of Member States, humanitarian actors, migrants, specific third countries in relation to the EU) and follow actors ́ behaviours in under-explored empirical cases (unpack actors ́ agency)

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