
Discuss what you discovered. What were the outcomes of the survey?

Discuss what you discovered. What were the outcomes of the survey?

**Enclosed copy of survey questions and analyze results.**

Need to create analysis report with the following details:

Discuss what you discovered. What were the outcomes of the survey?

Introduction: What were you hoping to find out? What was your goal for the survey project? Who was your target audience – and why? How did you gather responses? Why did you choose that way? What challenges id you face in preparing and conducting the survey?

Discuss what you discovered. What were the outcomes of the survey?

Results: How many people took your survey?

Analysis: Present your results in writing. Discuss what you discovered. What were the outcomes of the survey?

Discuss what you discovered. What were the outcomes of the survey?

Reflection: What surprised you from the results? What confirmed what you were expecting? What were the big take-ways? What new questions do you have that you now what to explore? How will you use this information in your own research project?

Discuss what you discovered. What were the outcomes of the survey?

Conclusion: What would you have done differently knowing what you do now? Discuss your overall experience with designing, conducting and evaluation survey result.

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