
retention policy for your College that complies with all state and Federal regulations.

retention policy for your College that complies with all state and Federal regulations.

After receiving the Litigation Hold Notice, your next task is to do the following:

Create a document retention policy for your College that complies with all state and Federal regulations.
Submission Instructions:
Prepare a Microsoft Word document (Font: Arial, 10; Line Spacing: Double)
Refer to documents marked Project.TS1.doc and Project.TS2.doc.
Supporting document attached

Document Retention Policy Points Comments
Title of Document 10
Address Block: To, From, Date, and Subject 10
Listed student or employee data to be retained 20
Listed which laws apply to the data to be retained 20
Listed whom this policy pertains to 20
Signature showing who directed this action and for questions 10
APA style, spelling, grammar an d appearance 10

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