
Business Ethic folio

Business Ethic folio

In this assignment you will present a folio of two (2) articles that you have read and reviewed during the first half of the trimester.

Each article must be from the print media (newspaper article, magazine article, internet article). The articles that you select must have at least 200 words of text. Please note that academic journal articles are not regarded as print media for the purpose of this assignment and if used you will be given a zero for that article.

The articles must be concerned with issues of a business ethics nature. If you are not sure of the article’s applicability please think through the situation before using it, perhaps choose another one that you are sure fits what is required. The unit team cannot give you an assessment of the article’s applicability. As this is a third year unit, we expect students to take responsibility for their own learning decisions, therefore deciding on the articles that you choose is a part of the assessment process.

Please ensure that your articles are business ethics related and do not cover social, cultural or political issues. Sometimes there is a fine line and if you are not sure, then choose another article which clearly outlines a business ethics issue(s).

You must have:
•    2 articles print-dated after July 1st, 2014.

The discussion of each article must contain:
•    the title of the article
•    the media from which it was obtained: i.e. newspaper or magazine name, internet site location
•    the date of the article (it must be after July 1st 2014; if not that article discussion will score 0)
•    an overview of the essence of the article with a brief discussion of the identified ethical issue(s)
•    a discussion that links the essence of the article and ethical issues(s) to the theory (referenced theory to support your ideas is expected and will be deemed as essential)*. Here you also need to include your recommendations (that are realistic and practical) as a manager to resolve the issues identified in the article. If no resolution has been mentioned in the article, you can give your suggestions of how to resolve the issues here. If a resolution has been mentioned, discuss whether you would had resolved the issue in the same manner or other ways, and why.
•    Who are the stakeholders being impacted (now and in the future) by the issue and how? Briefly discuss impact (positive and/or negative) on each stakeholder.
•    a conclusion in which you proffer an opinion on the article’s ethical issue(s)
•    an academic reference list that is constructed correctly (using Harvard or author-date referencing style).

*as this unit is at 3rd year level, you can use any theory that relates to business ethics regardless of having already formally studied it in the unit schedule: i.e. you can read ahead and use ideas and theories from weeks outside of 1-7.

You must include a scanned copy of the article with your assignment, else your assignment will NOT be marked until after the exams. In these circumstances, you will receive a maximum of 25/50.

You are to write 1750 words per article (10% +/– of the word limit is acceptable).

The reference list incorporating in-text references from both (2) articles should be included at the end of the last article following the Harvard referencing style.

Assignment Extension
Assignment extensions will only be granted in exceptional circumstances. Extensions must be requested in writing to the respective campus coordinator:
–    Burwood = Kathy Phillpot
–    Geelong and Off-campus = Andrea Howell
–    Warrnambool = Professor Greg Wood

Assignments submitted late without an approved extension will NOT be marked until after be exams. The maximum marks provided in these circumstances will be 25/50.

Assignment: Frequently Asked Queries

Hello Everyone,

With this assignment we always have some inquiries. In this document, we are responding to some of the commonly asked queries and highly recommend that you read this document before commencing on the assignment.


1. What should be the focus of business ethics?
The articles must be concerned with issues of a business ethics nature. For example, drinking is a social issue, but drinking in the workplace/ on the job is a business ethics issue as it can have an impact on your performance. Business ethics issues are those issues that have a direct bearing on the business operations of an organisation. The issues can be in either the corporate sector or the public sector, as long as you can demonstrate a business implication.

2. Advice regarding suitability of an article.
If you are not sure of the article’s applicability please think through before you use it; perhaps choose another one that you are sure fits with what is required. The unit team cannot give you an assessment of the article’s applicability. As a third year unit, we expect students to take responsibility for their own learning decisions, therefore deciding on the articles that you choose is a part of the assessment process.

We cannot comment on the suitability of your article choice. Your choice is a part of the demonstration to us of your understanding of the unit content.

3. We would accept issues that have gone from business ethics issues to legal issues.
By this statement, we mean that often behaviour begins as unethical and over time may become illegal. Often people convicted of criminal intent continue to appeal and protest their innocence and still cannot see that they have done anything wrong. Nonetheless, you should still be able to clearly identify and discuss an ethical issue and differentiate it from legal aspects.

4. Topics that you can use in your theory discussion. Should you confine it just to Topics 1-7?
As this unit is at third year level, you can use any theory that relates to business ethics regardless of having already formally studied it in the unit schedule: i.e. you can read ahead and use ideas and theories from weeks outside of 1-7, or use another textbook.

5. The articles used must be print dated after July 1st 2014
The articles that you use must have appeared in the print media source after July 1st 2014. The articles can be about activities done pre-July 1st 2014. If the article header is dated prior to July 1st 2014, it will receive 0 marks regardless of the quality of content discussion.

6. Journal articles: are they print media?
Each article must be from the print media (newspaper article, magazine article, internet newspaper or internet magazine article). The articles that you select must have at least 200 words of text.
Please note that academic journal articles are not regarded as print media for the purpose of this assignment.

7. Can I use one source (eg., same Newspaper) for all of the articles?
Yes, you can, use the same source (eg., The Age website) for both the articles. Nonetheless, do note the articles should be about 2 different organisations and 2 different business ethics issues.

8. Are overseas newspapers and websites acceptable?
Yes, they are – the only requirement is that they be printed or translated in English.

9. Can I use Wikipedia for my assignment?
Wikipedia use is prohibited for this assignment. You need to search information about the various theories and business ethics issues from various textbooks, journal articles and other sources as opposed to gaining potential inaccurate information from Wikipedia.

10. Can I use blogs for my assignment?
Whilst blogs can be part of the media source, we recommend not to use them as we are looking for your views on various business ethics issues than commentary by other people.


1. Where does the reference list go?
Place the combined reference list in alphabetical order after the discussion of the 2 articles, in other words, at the end of the document.

2. Is the final reference list part of the word limit?
The final reference list is not included in the word limit of the assignment nor are the in-text references.

3. Word limits for the assignment.
10% +/- of the 1750 words for each article in the assignment is acceptable.

Formatting Requirements

You also need to ensure that in your assignment you:
–    Have 1.5 line spacing.
–    Have 12 point font.
–    Have Times New Roman or Arial style.
–    Have numbered the pages of your assignment.
–    Write short sentences (Try not to have one sentence that is 5-6 lines long).
–    Write short paragraphs as they increase readability. Paragraphs should not be one page or more long. Use your judgement to ensure that each paragraph talks about a new idea.

Referencing (in-text and bibliography/reference list)
–    Use double quotation marks when citing directly from a source.
–    When the reference is at the end of sentence then put the full stop after the reference.
–    You need to reference when citing directly from a source, otherwise it is categorised as plagiarism. You need to also reference when you are citing someone else’s ideas.
–    You need to write the page numbers when citing directly from a source.
–    When referencing web sites/Internet sources, try to record the following information in the reference list: authors name(s), year, title of the article, source, web address, date accessed. When referencing web sources within the text, write the authors’ name and year, not web address.
–    When there is no author’s name, use ‘Anonymous’.
–    ‘et al.’ is used ‘in-text’ when there are three or more authors. If there are two authors, name both when referencing in-text.

using Author-Date or also known as the Harvard Referencing system

For details on how to reference correctly, refer to the Student Life web site:

Return of assignments

1.    When do I get my marked assignment back?
Feedback on the assignment will be provided within 15 working days of the due date or extension date of the assignment task.

2.    Can I appeal my marks?
Yes, in the first instance you need to talk to the assessor/marker of your assignment that in most cases will be your campus coordinator. If you are still dissatisfied with their explanation, you can chat to the unit chair.

Please note that if you want the assignment to be re-marked you will need to make the request in writing to the unit chair and provide all of your details (eg., full name, student ID).

Once your request for re-marking has been approved, a clean copy of the assignment will be marked by another team member (not the original assessor) and fresh marks and comments will be provided to you. It is important to note that in such instances you will be required to accept the new marks – whether they go up, down or remain the same.

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