Write about these two point based on the paper below
? Distribution strategy (domestic and international market entry) for usa and canada
? Marketing research conducted for the plan
Communication is the key to any successful business; it is how the organization decides to project their voice and their product and determines its success in the market that it enters. Entering into new markets does have its risks, so it is incredibly important through marketing to generate customer call and excitement and grow demand for the product. In order for the handy device to be successful in United States and Canada it is important to establish an effective communication plan to launch a customer base that will encirclement handy device new product offering (Kotler & Keller p.282, 2007).
Marketing Communications plan
New product introduction requires extensive market research, market intelligence and a thorough knowledge with regard to the product life cycle (PLC) dynamics. In the PLC model, products at the introduction stage are characterized by intensive growth and rapid distribution as a strategy to ensure market penetration and product positioning (Wilson and Colin, 2005). Marketing intelligence and competitive intelligence are some of the factors that are in play when coming up with and implementing marketing communication plan which is effective and efficient.
Marketing intelligence is a strategic approach which involves the incorporation of intelligence officers who are on the ground in the market to interact with customers and provide feedback to the organization. The officers are a team of professionals in marketing with the required expertise. Marketing intelligence is all inclusive, dynamic and could be applied across the board. Marketing intelligence calls upon the marketing managers to see to it that the firm is guaranteed of a sustainable competitive advantage by studying and knowing the market (Wilson and Colin 2005). This would ensure that before the product is released into the market; there is enough information about it in terms of pricing perception, deemed quality and the target group and considering the upstream activity.
Advertising and Promotion
Advertising and promotion undertakings purposed for the customers are likely to enhance brand awareness and substitute products. Promotions on substitute or low quality products are geared toward increasing the sales. On the other hand, enhanced brand promotion will market certain products from the company. Since the company is concentrating on handy device it will incorporate product advertising and promotion which involves conceptual foundation and product/market penetration .
Technology Trends
Technology is a tool that can be used to monitor market trends. Using a marketing information system (MIS) is one way that companies are utilizing technology. ?A marketing information system consists of people, equipment, and procedures to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate and distribute needed, timely, and accurate information to marketing decision makers? (Kotler & Keller, p. 41, 2007). Collection and analysis of data provides marketing managers with market information. Keeping the pulse of the customer is essential. By monitoring trends, marketing staff can evaluate where a product is within its life cycle. ?Not only is technology helping to improve speed, accuracy, and efficiency of order-to-payment cycle for many companies, it is providing marketing managers with timely and accurate reports on current sales? (Kotler & Keller, p. 41, 2007). By using technology, marketing managers have access to data which allows them to proactively react to market changes.
Marketing Communication Strategies
It is important that marketing communications strategies are developed for each of the target markets. ?Marketing communications are the means by which firms attempt to inform, persuade, and remind consumers ? directly or indirectly ? about the products and brands that they sell? (Kotler & Keller, p. 536, 2006). The marketing communication strategies that will be applied to our domestic market and to the international market will be different. The team selected Canada as its international market and the United States is the domestic market. The focus of the marketing communication is to allow companies to link their brands to other people, places, events, brands, experiences, feelings and things? (Kotler & Keller, p.536, 2006).
The United States and Canada have cultural differences and the marketing strategies and modes of communication must align to those differences . ?Multinational companies wrestle with a number of challenges in developing global communications programs: They must decide whether the product is appropriate for a country. They must make sure the market segment they address is both legal and customary? (Kotler & Keller, p. 546, 2006). The marketing communications mix that will be used will include advertising, sales promotion, public relations and publicity, events and experiences, sales force and direct marketing. The marketing mix will focus on Canada?s culture which is very diverse . ?As with the US, Canada has a variety of cultures. The history of both cultures has been one of immigration over a few centuries and as a result there are communities of varying cultures and religions? (Expat Focus, 2012). In comparison, the United States has a very diverse culture with varying religious views. When developing the marketing communications, the team will be cognizant to keep any religious perceptions neutral.
Another area that the team will focus on is to ensure that Canada?s advertising campaigns are reflected of their independence to the United States. ?It is frowned upon to refer to Canada as a poor relation or simply an extension of the US as Canadians are very proud of their status as an independent nation. While the influence of the US will not be denied, it is not acceptable to suggest that they are the only influence or that Canadians do not have their own individual tastes? (Expat Focus, 2012). The advertisement of the product will reflect the target audience throughout Canada and the United States and provide for tailoring to each geographic location. ?The Canadians are a very welcoming nation of people and are very community-orientated. This is a strong part of the culture in the country and helps to maintain the good quality of life that they enjoy. There are regional variations in how the people are with others too? (Expat Focus, 2012). The same tailoring will occur for the US market which also has subtle differences in the East, West, Mid-West, North, and South coasts.
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