Diversity in Workplace Essay
Identify three (3) organizations highlighted at the website: www.diversityinc.com discussing their position on diversity and analyzing their expressed effectiveness of their position diversity.
• Introduction / thesis statement to your paper
• Discussion of three separate companies and their position on diversity. Address and discuss the following questions in your paper.
o Does the company have a statement of diversity? What specific issues does it include?
o How do they address workforce composition issues such as those discussed in Chapter 3 of your textbook?
o Other workplace diversity issues?
• Conclusion – developed paragraph tying your main points together.
The paper should be 3 pages in length. All points above must be discussed and completed in the paper for credit.
• A Works Cited Page must be included in proper MLA format.
• Once you have submitted the paper and received a grade from your Professor, you will then upload the project to your LiveText electronic portfolio.
• You can submit your reflections as a Word document OR you can type your response directly into the LiveText application.
• You will then prepare your response to reflection questions.
The reflection response is one-page in length and respond to the following:
• Choose one of the three organizations you discussed in your paper
• What benefit does their position on diversity bring to their branding?
• Consider why or why you would not want to work for this company.
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