
Domino’s Pizza Evaluation Case Study

Domino’s Pizza Evaluation Case Study

Domino’s Pizza Evaluation Case Study

Domino’s Pizza Evaluation Case Study


Domino’s Pizza is interested in determining whether or not a new employee could learn how to make a pizza using a computer/based training method (CD-ROM). The CD-ROM

application addresses the proper procedure for massaging pizza dough and stretching it to fit a 12-inch pizza pan. Domino’s quality standards emphasize the roundness

of the pizza, an even border, and uniform thickness of the dough. Traditionally, on-the-job training has been used to teach new employees how to stretch the pizza

dough to fit the pizza pan.


Answer the following three questions. Does anything in the presentation slides help with your evaluation process?

What outcomes or criteria should Domino’s Pizza measure to determine if CD-ROM training is an effective method for teaching new employees how to stretch pizza dough to

fit a 12- inch pan?
Who would be involved in the training?
Describe the evaluation design you would recommend to Domino’s Pizza to use to determine if CD-ROM training is more effective than on-the-job training.

Submission: Follow the instructions below.

IMPORTANT: You must write (NO Copy/Paste) a 3-page minimum document in Microsoft Word using the M-APA format as provided in the attached document above.

Use citations and references when needed.

Submit the Word.Docx file using the Assignment Attachment in Blackboard.

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