
What was Douglass’ perspective on learning? How did Okonkwo think for himself? Do you agree with his decisions and how did they affect his life and the lives of others?

What was Douglass’ perspective on learning? How did Okonkwo think for himself? Do you agree with his decisions and how did they affect his life and the lives of others?

Malcolm X once said the following: “One of the first things I think young people, especially nowadays, should learn is how to see for yourself and listen for yourself and think for yourself. Then you can come to an intelligent decision for yourself…. This generation, especially of our people, has a burden, more so than any time in history. The most important thing we can learn today is think for ourselves.” In a well-constructed essay titled: “The Importance of Thinking for Oneself,” examine this topic within the context of everything you have studied in the class. Through the assigned reading materials, lecture notes, discussions, and film documentaries, analyze the topic and discuss the importance of learning history and culture through the eyes of the oppressed and the marginalized. In organizing your thoughts, keep in mind the importance and role of education during the slavery and colonial eras, paying close attention to the texts. What was Douglass’ perspective on learning? How did Okonkwo think for himself? Do you agree with his decisions and how did they affect his life and the lives of others? As a result of thinking for yourself and being in this class, have you developed a new perception of history? If so, how? If not, why not? While there is no right or wrong answer to this topic, your essay will be evaluated according to your ability to articulate clear arguments that are supported by facts and information. This paper is due on Monday, October 26, 2015 at class time. Your paper should be double-spaced, typed and at least six (6) pages. Late papers will be penalized. Tips on Writing Papers 1. Underline the title of your essay. 2. Have an opening paragraph in which you state your main ideas or a clear thesis. 3. Include in the body of your paper clearly written arguments or points of view. 4. Number the pages of your essay 5. Have a concluding paragraph. 6. Do not use contractions such as “aren’t”– instead write “are not.” 7. Indent each new paragraph. 8. Underline titles of books. 9. Underline or place in italics titles of cases. 10. Put titles of articles in quotation marks, followed by title of book. 11. Include a bibliography of works cited. If you desire a useful text to help you with your writing, you may pick up the inexpensive A Pocket Style Manual, written by Diana Hacker.

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