drama and narrative Research Paper
Part 1: Drama ModuleComplete the following task in no less than 750 and no more than 850 words. In weeks 10-13 of the Drama Module we focussed on the extent to which modern dramatic tragedies could be said to be Aristotelian in kind. We considered the protagonists error of judgment, his/her catastrophe, and the audiences catharsis. Discussions centred around form, mise en scene, dialogue, and rhetoric. Question: Drawing on one or more dramatic concepts (above in red) and Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman, critically evaluate the following argument by George Steiner: In tragedy, there are no temporal remedies. The point cannot be stressed too often. Tragedy speaks not of secular dilemmas which may be resolved by rational innovation, but of the unalterable bias toward inhumanity and destruction in the drift of the world. For your response in this part of the exam you will need to draw on the below supplementary reading: Chapter The Condition of Tension: Unit of Opposites as Dramatic Form and Vision in Arthur Millers Death of Salesman by Steven R. Centola in Stephan A. Marino (2006) The Salesman has a Birthday Part 2: Overview of UnitComplete the task in no less than 750 and no more than 850 words. This Part of the exam tests the insight with which you have grasped the larger themes and problems of literary studies introduced over the course of the unit as a whole. Choose only ONE question to answer out of the three offered here.Questions: When used effectively, literary genres provide formal constraints that are creatively enabling. Discuss with reference to two or more works from the readings from at least two of the three modules. Texts are worldly, to some degree they are events, and, even when they appear to deny it, they are nevertheless a part of the social world, human life, and of course the historical moments in which they are located and interpreted. (Edward Said) Discuss the relationship between literature and the world with reference to two or more works from the readings from at least two of the three modules. Literature is an intermingling ceaselessly begun and ceaselessly undone, and it is the only kind of communication capable of giving me that which cannot be communicated, capable of giving me the taste of another life. (Simone de Beauvoir) How might literature give readers the taste of another life? Discuss with reference to two or more works from the readings from at least two of the three modules. For your response in this Part of the exam you cannot use the same work as that discussed in Part One only use the below works.The Purloined LetterSecondary source : laura marcus 14 Detection and literary fiction pp. 245-268 Ibsens A Doll House Secondary source: Rolf Fjelde Forward to Ibsens four major plays. Fjelde focusses on A Doll House between pages xxi and xxv. * Please include a reference list at the end of both essays THE END
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