Eating for Good Health
Eating for Good Health
1. What is calorie balance and how does it factor into weight control?
2. Describe major food safety strategies (wash, store, cook, chill)
3. What is considered a serving?
4. Identify added sugars versus naturally occurring sugars
5. What is the role of sodium and potassium in blood pressure?
6. Explain the role of carbohydrates in the diet?
7. Discuss the importance of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in the diet and their role in
disease prevention?
8. Explain the role of electrolytes in blood pressure control and other long term health
9. Identify cooking methods and how they affect energy density and/or nutrient density
10. Identify and be able to calculate: BMI, basal metabolic rate (BMR), and total energy
expenditure (TEE) (I just want the formulas)
11. BMI classifications
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