
Ecommerce project – Mini website – Homepage grading only

Ecommerce project – Mini website – Homepage grading only

Ecommerce project – Mini website – Homepage grading only

Ecommerce Project (Website) Assignment

Please read these directions carefully and make sure that you are completing the correct assignment. This is very simple if you follow my instructions. Assignment

details are located at www.cohesioncase.com.

1) Go to the Cohesion Case Web site – www.cohesioncase.com.

2) Click on “Cohesion Case Diagram” on the right side navigation menu.

3) Select the “e-Business” knowledge area.

4) Read the background information, then

5) Select the “Apply Your Knowledge” assignment. Make sure that you read through the directions and requirements carefully.

IMPORTANT: Please note that you WILL NOT be using FrontPage or DreamWeaver software to build your prototype. Instead, follow my instructions below to find out what

you need to do. Again, this is very simple and will not take up too much time.

6) Read my instructions below very carefully and make sure that you understand what you need to do. If you have ANY questions, please post them to the “Ask the

Instructor” forum, email them, or call me.

8) Complete your assignment.

8) Submit your completed assignment via this link in this folder. To submit, just click on the title of this assignment and upload your file along with any comments

you may have for me.

Additional Instructions from Marci Rakestraw: Please read carefully and make sure you understand what is expected.

This Cohesion Case assignment will be a little different than the others you have completed thus far. In my opinion, this is the most fun assignment you have! You

can show-off your creativity and marketing skills by designing a prototype Website for your cafe! For this assignment, you will be required to do some research on the

Web and think about what makes a good Website. I also want you to think about “how” a Website can be used to draw traffic to your cafe and “why” you need one. I also

want you to put yourselves in your visitors’ shoes and try to anticipate the reason’s they are visiting your site. The Website is a very powerful marketing tool, so

before you start designing, spend some time thinking …

Very Important: I will ONLY consider your Home Page, or Landing Page for your grade. You may build out additional pages, if you’d like. However, the Home Page is the

equivalent of making a first impression, and that is the ONLY page that will count toward your grade. For that reason, be sure that all requirements listed in the

assignment are present and/or accessible from your Home Page.

Because of the nature of this assignment, the point value is double (40). Please be sure to read the instructions below, understand them, and follow them to receive

full credit for the assignment. If you have questions, please post them in the “Ask the Professor” Db forum or e-mail me. Remember to have fun with this! This is

where you get to show off your creativity, style and ideas!


Go to the Cohesion Case site (www.cohesioncase.com) and fully read and comprehend what the assignment is all about. In the eBusiness Knowledge Area select the Apply

Your Knowledge (AYK) assignment. Make sure that you read all the requirements for your Website and include them in your prototype. If you do not include all the

requirements (all the bullet points), no matter how great your website it, you will NOT receive a perfect score. In business, requirements are a key tool that

business uses to communicate their desires and expectations with IT.

I would recommend that you model your Website after a reputable site that you frequent. It would also be helpful for you to research the subject of good web page

designs to help you understand what to do and what not to do. A good Website should look like a portal.

You can also look for resources on the Web by performing a search on topics like, “web design standards,” “building professional websites,” or “elements of a web


IMPORTANT: Please note that you WILL NOT be using FrontPage or DreamWeaver software to build your prototype. Instead, follow my instructions below to find out what

you need to do.

See simple insturctions

For this assignment, you are required to build a prototype of a homepage for your cafe. A website is made up of several web pages. Your site would be no exception,

if you were to build it out. However, for the purposes of this assignment, I will only be grading your HOMEPAGE and looking to see if you met the overall


You can build your prototype in one of two ways.

Option 1: You may use software you are familiar with – like MS Powerpoint, or Word to draw/design the homepage. Your Website is a prototype and it does not need to

function. If you plan on using other software, you will need to convert your file to a .pdf format so that I can open it. Please note that I will not install

software on my laptop to open your files, and if I cannot open your file due to incompatible formats, your assignment will be late and will receive a 20% penalty.

Option 2: If you’d like to build a real Website and learn how to use easy tools available on the Internet, you may. I recommend this approach to anyone who wants to

get more hands on practice out of this class. Here is what you can do.

1) Perform research on the Internet for free Website templates that can be used to design and deploy (publish) your Website. You will be required to create a user

ID and password on these free sites. Do not create your Web page on a site that you have to pay for. There are plenty of sites out there to help you do this for free,

so look around. Some are easier to use then others, so do your research, or try out more than one! There are many sites out there that offer free services and Web

site design help. Examples of great sites you can use are: www.wix.com or www.moonfruit.com, which offer a free trial that allows you to publish your site on the Web.

2) After you create your site, make sure to deploy (publish) it! Make sure that you TEST your link from another computer, or send it to a friend to make sure

he/she can open it. In some cases, it might “appear” like you can access a site, but that is only true for you and your computer. This happens because you are the

developer and are logged in to the site. When a visitor clicks on the link, they are not logged in … So, make sure that you TEST!!! I will DEDUCT 20% of the top

for links that don’t work when I get them. That’s 8 points! Testing is VERY important.

3) When you are ready to submit your assignment, include the tested URL address (link to your Website) in the assignment submission link on Bb. That will make my

grading much, much faster.

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