How the Economic, Political, and Social Context Influences Low-Income Communities and Community Organizing
Order Description
Answer questions 1 and 2 on page 35/36 of Ohmer & DeMasi (2009).
Required Texts:
Ohmer, M. L., & DeMasi, K. (2009). Consensus organizing: A community development workbook: A comprehensive guide to designing, implementing, and evaluating community change initiatives. Los Angeles: SAGE. ISBN # 978-1412939836
1. Why do you think it is important for community organizers to understand the big picture? How and why do you think overall trends and issues (for example, changes in the economy or federal policies) might affect your work locally as an organizer?
2. Describe one example of a current economic, political, and/or social trend, issue, and/or policy and how you believe it influences low-income communities.
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include at least one scholarly* reference. References and in-text citations are to be done in correct APA 6th edition style
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