
Education Middle School

Education Middle School

Education Middle School

This project is the standards and school law project. For this three page essay, you will compose on standards in school law. For this project you want to address what

a teacher’s legal and ethical responsibilities are in a classroom. As teachers, we are held to very high standards and are expected to act accordingly. You will see

bullying or a classroom conflict as the main focus in this project. So, some things you should think about as responsibilities are creating a safe environment for the


If a bullying conflict arises, what are the steps you should take? For instances, documenting and reporting the incident. What are some anti-bullying programs that

schools feature and in some instances even require? Who are your resources in the school? Other teachers? And certainly the guidance counselor would be people that can

help. Remember, the person being bullied as well as the person acting as a bully may need support. So, you have an opportunity to help all parties involved.

You should also mention in this project how a teacher is expected to be aware of standards-based practices in relation to the four areas listed in the project that you

see here. Those areas are disability law, media, protecting students in general, and protecting them against discrimination. Make sure you address copyright laws or

media laws that teachers need to abide by. Another topic you can address in your response would have to do with the special education laws. For instance, Public Law

94-142 and Public Law 99-457. Think about how they shaped special education and how they directly affect IEPs.

That can be related to school law, and it can be related to protecting students. That brings up another good point. You can discuss how intimately familiar a teacher

has to be with his or her students IEPs.

You don’t have to be a special education teacher to come into contact with special ed students.

All teachers are expected to know the laws governing all students education. You will identify the ways that teachers follow the laws including keeping students safe

physically and emotionally,

using media properly, and following laws regarding discrimination and disabilities. Think about issues such as protection of students, cyber bullying, use of IEPs as

you write your narrative. Cite sources as needed. You can address each prompt individually while some of the responses are very much related

such as legal and ethical responsibilities and protecting students. Others, for example, copyright laws might be a little less related.

Here is the project:

1. Discuss a teacher’s legal and ethical responsibilities in diffusing classroom conflicts.

1a. Discuss the use of effective standards-based teaching and supportive educational practice that are based on current areas of school law, including the following:

1. disability law; 2. use of media; 3. protection of students; 4. protection against discrimination.

2. When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format. 80% must be original work.


(go by value 4.00 column)

value: 0.00 value: 1.00 value: 2.00 value: 3.00 value: 4.00 Score/Level
Articulation of Response (clarity, organization, mechanics)

The candidate provides unsatisfactory articulation of response. The candidate provides weak articulation of response. The candidate provides limited

articulation of response. The candidate provides adequate articulation of response. The candidate provides substantial articulation of response.
Use or Promotion of Academic Language

The candidate demonstrates unsatisfactory use or promotion of academic language. Not applicable. The candidate demonstrates developing use or

promotion of academic language. Not applicable. The candidate demonstrates satisfactory use or promotion of academic language.
General Teaching Dispositions as Indicated in the Teachers College Code of Ethics

The candidate demonstrates inappropriate professional teaching dispositions. Not applicable. The candidate demonstrates developing professional

teaching dispositions. Not applicable. The candidate demonstrates appropriate professional teaching dispositions.
Reflective Practitioner

The candidate demonstrates an inappropriate disposition as a reflective practitioner. Not applicable. The candidate demonstrates a developing

disposition as a reflective practitioner. Not applicable. The candidate demonstrates an appropriate disposition as a reflective practitioner.
Equitable and Fair

The candidate demonstrates an inappropriate disposition for being equitable and fair. Not applicable. The candidate demonstrates a developing

disposition for being equitable and fair. Not applicable. The candidate demonstrates an appropriate disposition for being equitable and fair.
Committed to the Belief That All Students Can Learn

The candidate demonstrates an inappropriate disposition for commitment to the belief that all students can learn. Not applicable. The candidate

demonstrates a developing disposition for commitment to the belief that all students can learn. Not applicable. The candidate demonstrates an

appropriate disposition for commitment to the belief that all students can learn.
A1. Legal and Ethical Responsibilities

The candidate does not provide a logical discussion of a teacher’s legal and ethical responsibilities in defusing classroom conflicts. The candidate provides

a logical discussion, with no detail, of a teacher’s legal and ethical responsibilities in defusing classroom conflicts. The candidate provides a logical

discussion, with limited detail, of a teacher’s legal and ethical responsibilities in defusing classroom conflicts. The candidate provides a logical discussion,

with adequate detail, of a teacher’s legal and ethical responsibilities in defusing classroom conflicts. The candidate provides a logical discussion, with

substantial detail, of a teacher’s legal and ethical responsibilities in defusing
classroom conflicts.
A2. Standards-Based Teaching The candidate does not provide a logical discussion of the use of effective standards-based teaching and supportive educational

practice that are based on current areas of school law, including the given points. The candidate provides a logical discussion, with no support, of the use of

effective standards-based teaching and supportive educational practice that are based on current areas of school law, including the given points. The candidate

provides a logical discussion, with limited support, of the use of effective standards-based teaching and supportive educational practice that are based on current

areas of school law, including the given points. The candidate provides a logical discussion, with adequate support, of the use of effective standards-based

teaching and supportive educational practice that are based on current areas of school law, including the given points. The candidate provides a logical

discussion, with substantial support, of the use of effective standards-based teaching and supportive educational practice that are based on current areas of school

law, including the given points.
B. Sources

When the candidate uses sources, the candidate does not provide in-text citations and references. When the candidate uses sources, the candidate provides

only some in-text citations and references. When the candidate uses sources, the candidate provides appropriate in-text citations and references with major

deviations from APA style. When the candidate uses sources, the candidate provides appropriate in-text citations and references with minor deviations from APA

style. When the candidate uses sources, the candidate provides appropriate in-text citations and references with no readily detectable deviations from APA style, OR

the candidate does not use sources.

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