
English Composition

English Composition

Choose an international challenge facing the United States or any policy challenge facing a country other than the United States. Write a briefing paper that you would give to a public policy official organized using the 5 headings described below. Please identify the beginning of each section in your paper. The paper must be at least 3 pages but no more than 4 pages in length. The only topic choices that are not permitted are the Resource Curse and Climate Change/Global Warming.
1. Importance (15 points)
a. Describe why it’s an important public policy challenge
2. Background (15 points)
a. Provide historical background to the challenge
b. Identify what has been done to try to address it
3. Underlying Causes (15 points)
a. Identify what is causing this problem to persist
4. Policy Options (15 points)
a. Describe potential ways to solve the policy challenge
5. Solution (20 points)
a. Choose a solution you would recommend
b. Explain why this solution is better than other alternatives supported by quality data and information
Remaining Points Available:
• Use of data and information – 10 Points
• 3 or more different quality sources – 10 Points (Note: Points will be deducted if you use Wikipedia or my lecture slides as a source – find the original source of the information)
• 1 inch margins on all sides
• 11 point font
• Double spaced
• Source material using endnotes or in-text citations with a works cited page
Policies on Plagiarism:
A definition of plagiarism, along with definitions of other forms of academic misconduct, is found in the Indiana University Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct. Any student who cheats or plagiarizes on any written assignment will be given a failing grade in the course in addition to any other sanctions imposed by the School or the University.

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