essay on managing organisation
Assignment 2 details
This assignment is made up of three (3) questions. You have to answer all the questions.
Question 1 (a total of 15 marks)
Are managers necessary in organisations? In your response you should consider the functions and skills that managers perform in terms of planning ONLY. Provide examples to support your position. (This question is to be 900 words with 10%+/- allowance on the word count.)
Remember, you are to demonstrate your understanding of management functions in organisations. To save word count, additional information may be attached in an Appendix.
In order to attempt to obtain full marks for references, you need to try to have at least 3 different references in your reference list. These references should be references published from 2000 to the present, other than the textbook and selected readings from the course. The reference list should commence on a new page after the conclusion of your assignment. The correct referencing methods to be used both in the body of the assignment and in the reference list are explained in Chapter 2 of the Communication Skills Handbook on ‘Referencing’.
Question 2 (a total of 15 marks)
‘In the long run, those who do not use power in a way that society considers responsible will tend to lose it.’ Discuss the statement using relevant examples and theories. (This question is to be 900 words with 10%+/- allowance on the word count).
Remember, you are to demonstrate your understanding of the concepts of ethics, social responsibility and sustainability in an organisation. To save word count, additional information may be attached in an Appendix.
In order to attempt to obtain full marks for references, you need to try to have at least 3 different references in your reference list. These references should be references published from 2000 to the present, other than the textbook and selected readings from the course. The reference list should commence on a new page after the conclusion of your assignment. The correct referencing methods to be used both in the body of the assignment and in the
reference list are explained in Chapter 2 of the Communication Skills Handbook on ‘Referencing’.
Question 3 (a total of 15 marks)
‘Cultural intelligence is the key to organisational success in today’s business environment.’ Discuss the statement using relevant examples and theories. (This question is to be 900 words with 10%+/- allowance on the word count.)
Remember, you are to demonstrate your understanding of managing an organisation in a global environment. To save word count, additional information may be attached in an Appendix.
In order to attempt to obtain full marks for references, you need to try to have at least 3 different references in your reference list. These references should be references published from 2000 to the present, other than the textbook and selected readings from the course. The reference list should commence on a new page after the conclusion of your assignment. The correct referencing methods to be used both in the body of the assignment and in the reference list are explained in Chapter 2 of the Communication Skills Handbook on ‘Referencing’.
Format for the assignment
Unlike Assignment 1, Assignment 2 should be in essay format. This means that each question should have an introduction, a body and conclusion. As a guide, an introduction and conclusion should be no more than 100 words.
Please refer to Chapter 5 of the Communication Skills Handbook on ‘Essay writing’ for more information.
MGT2002 Assessment Criteria – Assignment 2
Criteria | F 0-22.49
>50% |
C or Pass 22.5-29.24
50 – 64.99% |
B or Credit 29.25-33.74
65 – 74.99% |
A or Distinction 33.75-38.24
75 – 84.99% |
HD 38.25+
85%+ |
Interpretation of assignment question (45%) | Misconception of the assignment question. May seem to be answering a different question | Basic understanding of the question. Little or no interpretation | Satisfactory understanding and interpretation of the question | Very good understanding and interpretation of the question | Extremely high level of understanding the question. May challenge question or pose a different one |
Comprehensiveness | Incomplete discussion of relevant issues. May have included material that isn’t relevant | May have omitted some relevant issues in the discussions | Covered most of the relevant issues | Covered all of the issues relevant to the topic | Comprehensive coverage and discussion of all relevant issues. Introduced new issues |
Analytical reasoning | No analytical reasoning | Discussion lacks depth and reasoning | Some depth in discussion | High level of analytical reasoning | Exceptional interpretation and analytical reasoning |
Accuracy and level of correctness of content | Many or several inaccuracies in discussion | Some inaccuracies | Maybe minor inaccuracies | No or few inaccuracies | Content accurate on all counts |
Research (45%) | Insufficient or no research evident | Limited research on the topic | Satisfactory research is displayed | Thorough research on the topic | Discussions display broad and in-depth research beyond expectations |
Interpretation and application of theory, concepts, models or course material | Incorrect, non-existent or poor interpretation and application | Limited application of theory, concepts, models or course material | Satisfactory interpretation and application | Clear and appropriate application | Highly developed application of theory. Critique where theory does not apply. Suggests new concepts or theory |
Critical analysis | No evidence of critical analysis | Uncritical discussion or mostly description | Satisfactory level of critical analysis | Very good level of critical analysis | Highly developed critical analysis. Adds to knowledge |
Critique of sources (theory, references etc) | No evidence of discussion of sources | Restates major themes from sources, writing close to sources | Paraphrasing themes from sources | Integrating themes from sources into analysis, argument, topic, or writing | Assessment of different approaches from different sources, sources subordinate to or supportive of own themes and ideas |
Technical & academic care – (10%)
Conforming to communication skills handbook or other academic standards
Written expression |
Gross spelling and grammatical errors, reader has difficulty understanding | Basic understanding of rules of grammar and syntax, errors still occur. Poor paragraphing | Some evidence of fluency in writing, no obvious errors in grammar or syntax. Maybe some corrections and improvements are needed | Clear expression and structuring of ideas, good syntax, grammar and paragraphing | No spelling or grammar errors, clear expression of ideas, work displays flair and mastery in writing, outstanding referencing. Paragraphing is excellent in terms of presentation, readability and focus |
Presentation | Poorly presented assignment. Spacing, font size, numbers, margins etc do not comply with standards | Average presentation of assignment | Well presented assignment | Very good presentation | Assignment looks beautiful |
Structure | No structuring, not clear where sections or introduction, body, conclusion etc start and end. No argument or theme to assignment | Some evidence of structure in terms of introduction, conclusion etc. Some argument although may not flow through | Good structuring, although internal problems may still be evident, for example, material in body is not logically ordered. Some progression of argument | Very good structuring and clear argument, ideas or theme throughout | Excellently structured assignment, logical and superb progression of argument, ideas or themes, with great clarity around sections and flow |
Academic referencing technique or format | Incorrect referencing technique. Limited or no referencing | Basic technique for academic referencing. Many errors but clearly tried | Satisfactory technique for referencing | Correct referencing. Maybe minor errors | Outstanding referencing technique, correct in every respect |
Specific Comments
Question 1:
Question 2:
Question 3:
General Comments
Question 1:
Question 2:
Question 3:
Interpretation:*Max. 6.75 marks in each question | Question 1: XX/6.75 |
Question 2: XX/6.75 | |
Question 3: XX/6.75 | |
Research:*Max. 6.75 marks in each question | Question 1: XX/6.75 |
Question 2: XX/6.75 | |
Question 3: XX/6.75 | |
Tech & Acad Care:*Max. 1.5 marks in each question | Question 1: XX/1.5 |
Question 2: XX/1.5 | |
Question 3: XX/1.5 | |
Total marks: | XX /45 (100%) |
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