Establishing Quality Research Paper
Establishing Quality Selected doctoral study (Knowledge Management) 500-1000 words Evaluate the methods used for establishing quality. Incorporate appropriate references to this weeks media resource as well as the course readings about establishing quality. For all the questions below, remember to explain how you came to your conclusions. Support your answers with explanation or evidence drawn from the doctoral study and from course readings. Were the methods for establishing quality used appropriately for the qualitative tradition or research design (e.g., case study, ethnography, grounded theory, etc.)? Why or why not? Were all aspects of the methods for establishing quality described or justified sufficiently? If not, what could have the author said and why? If sufficient, explain why you think so. Do you think the author should have used additional methods to establish quality? If so, what other methods would you recommend and specifically why should they have been used in this particular study? If not, why not? This includes the methods of establishing quality as well as how they were conducted or implemented. Add any additional comments for evaluation not addressed above. Course Text Creswell, J.W. (2009). Research Design. Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. (Third Ed.). P6. Thousand oak, CA. Sage. Standard of Validation and Evaluation Data Analysis and Representation
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