
Ethical concept

Ethical concept

Week 1
1.    What percentage of the members of your current (or most recent) organization understand its strategy?
2.    What concept/idea in the assigned readings do you find most intriguing or useful? Why? How might you or others apply it?

Week 2
1.    What single action would you urge—at any level—in order to make all corporations behave more ethically?
2.    What concept/idea in the assigned readings do you find most intriguing or useful? Why? How might you or others apply it?
Reading: http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052702303513404577352221465986612

Week 3
1.    Should strategic planning and budgeting take place at the same time?
2.    What concept/idea in the assigned readings do you find most intriguing or useful? Why? How might you or others apply it?

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