Evaluating a Website for Credibility
Week 4 Evaluating a Website for Credibility Exercise Purpose This exercise is intended to help you identify and evaluate a website for credibility so you will be able
to identify scholarly websites that can be used for patient and professional resources. (This assignment is ungraded but will help you have a clear understanding of a
credible website.) Course Outcomes Through this exercise, the student will demonstrate the ability to: (CO#1) Demonstrate effective verbal, written, and technological
communication using legal and ethical standards for transferring knowledge. (PO 3) (CO #4) Analyze data from relevant sources to inform the delivery of care. (PO 4)
Directions: Review the lesson on Evaluation of a Website and view the tutorial by the National Library of Medicine on evaluating website credibility. Using these five
criteria, examine the following websites to determine whether the website is considered as credible for use in patient and/or professional resources. You may e-mail
this worksheet to your instructor for review. 1. Authority 2. Information 3. Objectivity 4. Ease of Navigation 5. Privacy and Security Policies Websites to evaluate: •
American Association of Critical Care Nurses www.aacn.org • American Society of Perianesthesia Nurses www.aspan.org • The National Kidney Foundation www.kidney.org •
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention http://www.cdc.gov • The Mayo Clinic www.mayoclinic.org • Help Guide www.helpguide.org • www.familydoctor.org • The Joint
Commission www.jointcommission.org • www.healthypeople.gov • www.webmd.com As you evaluate these websites using the five criteria, think about what would make this
website a credible or non-credible source for use with patients and/or professionals. What do the letters HON stand for? And what does it indicate on a website? Week 6
SL Scavenger Hunt Assignment Student Name Instructions: 1. As you complete the VLE (Second Life) Scavenger Hunt, please write your answers to the questions on this
worksheet. 2. Save it as a MS Word document in the following format: YourName_NR500_ScavengerHunt 3. Place it in the Scavenger Hunt folder in your course page by the
end on Week 6 on Sunday at 11:59 pm MT. 4. Remember if you need assistance when you are in Second Life, please contact the Support Specialist in-world or email
vle@whitemouseproductions.com STATION 1 — Points Possible = 10 You are nursing educator at the Hospital Administration Building, there have been repeated incidents of
lateral violence. You have been asked to provide scholarly evidence to support a policy document. Go to the information database in the Administration Library and
search for this article: The Bully Within and Without: Strategies to Address Horizontal Violence in Nursing. To support your evidence-based practice, you must cite the
article in proper APA format. Be sure to include the doi number. STATION 2 – Points Possible = 10 Attend the meeting in the Conference Room. Locate the Nursing
Administrator. Click on her and write down the quote that the Administrator tells you about nursing leadership. STATION 3 – Points Possible = 15 Find the open patient
room in the hospital ward and list out at least 3 of the patient safety violations. STATION 4 – Points Possible = 15 Locate the Classroom. Find the article written on
the blackboard and click on it. Write down the statistics for the ethnicity characteristics of the study’s participants from Table 1 including the n number. Then add a
citation to the article in proper APA format APA Citation: STATION 5 – Points Possible = 10 Go to City Hall. Find the US Senator’s Office. Click on the Senator to get
the link to the list of current United States Senators. Locate your state and write down the names of the two senators that represent your state. STATION 6 – Points
Possible = 5 Go to Urgent Care Clinic building and find the Electronic Health Record for the patient that is being seen. Write down the patient’s name. STATION 7 –
Points Possible = 10 Go to the Social Services Building and into the reception area. Find the directory listing for the offices in the building. Locate the Hmong
language Interpreter and write down their name. STATION 8 – Points Possible = 15 Acting as the town’s Visiting Public Nurse, go to the poor area of town, locate two
homeless men and then list out two recommendations that you would give them to improve their overall health. You will need to support each recommendation with
scholarly peer-reviewed support in proper APA format. Do not state you would give them a phone number or address of resources. Put some thought into your response.
Remember these two homeless men do not have money, phones, or health insurance. STATION 9 – Points Possible = 10 Visit the Forensics Lab – Find the microscope, get
close to it so it is easily visible, then take a photograph of it. Choose your snapshot camera icon from your left toolbar. Then click on Save to Disk. Then from the
highlighted green dropdown bar choose 320 x 240 and then click SAVE. You will lose points if the picture is not in the 320 X 240 size. Remember to save the photograph
to your desktop to easily locate it. Copy and paste your photo in the box on the next page. If the picture is too large or small or you are too far away from the
microscope, you will lose points. Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 STATION 9 – TOTAL POINTS POSSIBLE = 100 Remember to: Save these worksheet as a MS Word document in the following
format: YourName_NR500_ScavengerHunt Place it in the Scavenger Hunt folder in your course page by the end on Week 6 on Sunday at 11:59 pm MT. Week 5 Annotated
Bibliography Assignment Evidence-Based Practice Assignment – Searchable Clinical Questions Form STUDENT NAME: DATE: DIRECTIONS: Please read the Evidence-Based Practice
Guideline-Searchable Clinical Questions Form Guidelines and Rubric located in Course Resources, for instructions on how to complete this form. You may add more rows to
each table to fit your search. 1. CLINICAL QUESTION: Select a health-related topic applicable to your practice setting and formulate a clinical question, using the
PICO (T) format. Please type the question here: 2. Identify the PICO (T) Terms: 3. SEARCH: PUBMED/MEDLINE Go to MEDLINE at http://www.pubmed.gov and conduct a search
on your clinical question. Please type your search history in the table below: Search Number P I C O T # of Results Notes 4. SEARCH: EBSCO/CINAHL Go to the Chamberlain
Library at http://www.chamberlain.edu/library and enter EBSCO. Conduct a search on your clinical question. Please type your search history in the table below: Search
Number P I C O T # of Results Notes 5. SEARCH: THE JOANNA BRIGGS INSTITUTE Go to The Joanna Briggs Institute via the CCN Library. Conduct a search on your clinical
question. Please type your search history in the table below: Search Number P I C O T # of Results Notes Week 7 Master’s-Prepared Role Electronic Presentation
Guidelines with Scoring Rubric Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to: a) demonstrate how the skills outlined in the AACN Essentials are applicable to the role
of a master’s–prepared nurse (CO #5, #6) and b) present ideas in a clear, succinct, and scholarly manner (CO #1). Course Outcomes Through this assignment, the student
will demonstrate the ability to: (CO#1) Demonstrate effective verbal, written, and technological communication using legal and ethical standards for transferring
knowledge. (PO 3) (CO#5) Analyze the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing [AACN Essentials]. (PO 1) (CO#6)
Assess the roles of the master’s-prepared nurse. (PO 1) Due Date: Sunday 11:59 p.m. (MT) at the end of Week 7. Total Points Possible: 215 REQUIREMENTS: 1. Discuss the
MSN specialty track (educator, executive, informatics, health policy, FNP) that you have selected. 2. Demonstrate how the skills outlined in the nine (9) AACN
Essentials are applicable to your selected master’s-prepared specialization. 3. Identify three ways that a master’s-prepared nurse in your specialty would use the AACN
Essentials skills in nursing practice. 4. Provide empirical evidence to support the three (3) ways a master’s-prepared nurse would use the AACN Essentials in practice.
A minimum of two (2) current scholarly articles are required in this section of the presentation. 5. Concluding statements summarize content. 6. 15-slide presentation
with speaker notes in APA format, not counting title and reference slides. PREPARING THE PAPER 1. This is a PowerPoint presentation. 2. Review the Creating a
Professional Presentation located in Course Resources/Miscellaneous Resources. 3. This presentation is to focus on the specific role you have chosen in the MSN program
(e.g., educator, executive, informatics, health policy, FNP) and identify the AACN Essentials that are applicable to your specific role. Category Points % Description
Content 34 16% Clearly describe the master’s-prepared role selected. Content 34 16% Discuss the AACN Essentials directly related to the selected role. Content 34 16%
Discuss three ways a master’s-prepared nurse would use the AACN Essentials in practice. Content 34 16% Content of presentation is accurate. Content 34 16% Concluding
statements are present. Format & Grammar 9 4% Slides, speaker notes, and references are consistent with 6th edition APA format. Format & Grammar 9 4% Presentation
slides are professional in appearance and tone. Balance among space, words/graphics, and color is effective. Format & Grammar 9 4% Grammar, spelling, word usage, and
punctuation are consistent with formal written work. Format & Grammar 9 4% Presentation has 15 slides, not including title and reference slides. Format & Grammar 9 4%
Speaker notes contain presentation content without repeating slides. Total 215 100 A quality assignment will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.
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