
Evidence-Based Practice

Evidence-Based Practice

1. Create a simple PPT.
2. Introduce the author (add a picture of yourself or clip art that defines the author).
3. Select a topic from the list below.
4. Choose two main issues related to the selected topic.
5. Discuss how each issue impacts the healthcare delivery system.
6. A minimum of two (2) references will be required for this assignment. References should be from scholarly peer-reviewed journals (check Ulrich) and be less than five (5) years old.
7. The presentation should include 8-10 slides total; this includes the title and reference slides.
8. Follow APA rules for PPT found in Week 2. Additional information for the presentation for clarification should be added to the speaker note area of the PPT slide.

Select a topic from the list below related to issues or trends discussed in Week 1 and Week 2:

Include the following in your slides:
• Slide 1: Title-develop a title slide. This should include the title of the presentation, your name, and the university name. Use APA format (does not need to be in Times New Roman for a PPT) as you would when you develop a title page.
• Slide 2: Introduction-briefly discuss what the PPT is going to address. Use key words in bulleted statements versus paragraph format.
• Slide 3: Purpose statement-develop the purpose statement utilizing the instructions above (placing on the slide using bulleted points).
• Slide 4: Introduce the author and include a picture or clip art.
• Slide 5: Present the two issues.
• Slide 6/7: Discuss how each issue impacts the healthcare delivery system. Remember to utilize literature support utilizing citations. Again, you are going to utilize bulleted statements.
• Slide 8: Conclusion-include a summary of the main points you have covered. Again, you are going to utilize bulleted statements.
• Slide 9: References in APA format (please remember to include in-text citations on your slides). References should use APA format.

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