
Exegesis Paper

Exegesis Paper

Your paper will follow the format laid out in the Gorman text and will be at least 10 pages, Chicago Manual Style. Bibliography which includes minimum of 10 sources—maximum of 3 Biblical commentaries, minimum of 3 journal articles

Gorman, Michael J., Elements of Biblical Exegesis: A Basic Guide for Students and Ministers. Baker Academic: Ada, 2008

exegesis assignment includes 8 elements from the Gorman text.

1. Survey/Introduction 2/3-1page

2. Contextual Analysis 2-3pages

3. Literary Analysis

4. Formal Analysis 2pages

5. Detailed Analysis 5-6pages

6. Synthesis 2/3 page

7. Reflection 1.5pages

8. Expansion and Refinement

A parishioner/co-worker/neighbor asks you to help him/her understand the verse(s) you have just investigated for this paper. This person wants to know specifically what relationship there is between the words on the page and real life: at the time of the passage, and right now in the questioner’s own context. What will you say to him/her?

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