Explain what functions racial beliefs serve for the dominant group according to the functionalist perspective.
1.Explain what functions racial beliefs serve for the dominant group according to the functionalist perspective. Conversely, explain what dysfunctions to society are caused by prejudice and discrimination.
2.2. Describe a racist or sexist incident that you saw. You may have been personally involved or witnessed the event. Do not include events that you saw on television or heard about from someone else. Clearly state whether sexism or racism was involved. Describe why the incident was an example of racism or sexism rather than just bad manners.
3.What is brain drain? What are its effects on the U.S.? On other countries? How does the U.S. benefit from illegal immigration?
4. Often in research, religious groups are compared to one another on social and political attitudes and beliefs (e.g., Roman Catholics are compared to Protestants, Muslims, and Jews). Discuss why this might be problematic and produce misleading findings.
5. Explain the special challenges that refugees present to policy makers who are trying to solve the issues related to their plight.
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