
explain the main difference between the styles of Southern region(eg. Canton, Fujian, Jiangsu province) and Northern region(eg. Shangdong, Shannxi, Henan province). Can you suggest any new app

explain the main difference between the styles of Southern region(eg. Canton, Fujian, Jiangsu province) and Northern region(eg. Shangdong, Shannxi, Henan province). Can you suggest any new app


Order Description

pick ONE of the topics given below to finish your essay.

1. According to personal experience of bamboo painting, can you list out the main features of literati painting with a table?Please attach 2 to 3 famous literati paintings(landscape, plants or figure paintings)from painting history so as to explain how traditional philosophy and aesthetic thoughts shaped the development of literati paintings.

2. use a table to compare the difference between Western musicals(NOT opera) and Beijing Opera in terms of performance & musical features?Use several photos as evidence to support your comparison.

3. attach several pictures of paper cutting works so as to explain the main difference between the styles of Southern region(eg. Canton, Fujian, Jiangsu province) and Northern region(eg. Shangdong, Shannxi, Henan province). Can you suggest any new application of paper cutting design in our modern daily life?

you just need choose one that you like.

Advice on structure & personal information
An essay of 2000 words is merely a draft or skeleton like a small replica of a full scale book.
Tips: A small & condensed topic is easier to handle so as to pin-point into the core discussion of a specific topic related to what had been discussed during the lectures.
Content outline:
1.    Cover sheet from Art Faculty with all personal detail, topic title (not the course title), submission date and your signature.
2.    List of contents: chapter by chapter in order.
3.    Introduction/foreword/preface: the purpose and intention of writing such an essay, what to achieve after this research. To what extend this study will include.
4.    Chapter by chapter in paragraphs, with subtitles.
5.    Conclusion: any new discovery? Any new idea? Anything yet to be dissolved? Further discussion needed? Any possible prospect or development of this aspect?
6.    Footnotes & captions for illustrations(if any)
7.    Reference resources: bibliography or websites, articles, periodicals, documentaries….etc.
8.    Appendix: such as chronological charts, maps, pin-yin tables….etc.
9.    word count
10.    Book list should include the title, writer or editor, publisher, year of publication.

Please pick ONE of the topics given below to finish your essay.
1. According to personal experience of bamboo painting, can you list out  the main features of literati painting with a table?Please attach 2 to 3 famous literati paintings(landscape, plants or figure paintings)from painting history so as to explain how traditional philosophy and aesthetic thoughts shaped the development of literati paintings.
2. Please use a table to compare the difference between Western musicals(NOT opera) and Beijing Opera in terms of performance & musical features?Use several photos as evidence to support your comparison.
3. Please attach several pictures of paper cutting works so as to explain the main difference between the styles of Southern region(eg. Canton, Fujian, Jiangsu province) and Northern region(eg. Shangdong, Shannxi, Henan province). Can you suggest any new application of paper cutting design in our modern daily life?

So just pick one of them!

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