External Recruiting Issues
Assignment Commentary
In this assignment you will discuss an organizational issue related to external recruiting. In this assignment you will demonstrate skill in
identifying and using credible and reliable sources of information as well as applying APA formatting.
This assignment assesses the follow Module 2 learning objectives: identify and distinguish types of turnover and their impact on
internal and external recruiting and retention; describe the concept of branding and marketing an organization to potential qualified
applicants; and demonstrate skill in identifying and using credible and reliable sources of information.
You are the HR Manager at Texas Hydraulics, Inc. in Temple, Texas with approximately 600 employees. Your labor demographics
include skilled craft workers. You noticed an increase in employee turnover and a reduction in applications for skilled craft workers.
You are tasked with identifying the potential source of the recruiting and retention issue and becoming more competitive in the labor
market. Here is a link to the manufacturer http://www.texashydraulics.com/
Download and review the information from the Texas Workforce Commission’s Industry Profiles focusing on The Summary of Findings
(pp. 913)
The Competitive Landscape (pp. 1416)
The document is located at
Click to access TexasAdvancedTechnologiesandManufacturingCluster.pdf
Or, download this attachment Assignment 2 Supplment_TexasAdvancedTechnologiesandManufacturingCluster.pdf
Assignment Response, provide a written response to the following:
Drawing on information from the text book, explain how employer branding is different and/or similar to product branding and why an
HR department want to develop an employer brand?
Drawing on information from the text book, identify the different types of employee turnover and explain why an HR department would
want to measure the different types of turnover.
Consider Texas Hydraulics and the information provided by the Texas Workforce Commissionâs Advanced Technologies and
Manufacturing Cluster Assessment focusing on The Summary of Findings (pp. 913)
The Competitive Landscape (pp. 1416)
Based on
what you read:
Describe the competitive landscape for Texas Hydraulics and the competitionâs potential impact on qualified labor.
How would this information help Texas Hydraulics understand their recruiting and retention problem?
Inform your response with information from the required readings (Mathis, Jackson, & Valentine, 2014) and at least one other source
(Texas Advanced Technologies and Manufacturing Cluster).
Paraphrase only, no direct quotes. Properly cite and reference in APA all sources of information. This response should be 23
pages in
Written Requirements
Your response to this assignment should include a title page, body of the paper, and reference page. The essay questions should be
addressed separately and should include separate headings. The text should be Times New Roman, black, 12 point font. One inch
margins all around. No direct quotes, paraphrase in your own words. Your response should be within the designated page range.
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