
Facility Planning

Facility Planning

New Texas Family Clinic is a clinic allocated in Texas City that deals with family health matters regarding family planning, anti-natal care and post- natal care. This clinic can also be used as a maternity facility for emergency cases. During my survey, I noted that this clinic has been neglected, and renovation is urgently needed. For this reason, I came up with the following renovation plan.

The clinic requires replacement of floor tiles and plastering of the walls. In my survey, I noted that the walls of the clinic have cracks and the tiles are worn out. For this reason, new tiles are required. This clinic has two rooms and approximately 500 pieces of tiles are needed to repair the floor. Three bags of cement are as well required for repairing the walls. The sinks of the clinic are out of order, and they also require replacement. Sinks are vital requirements since they help in keeping the clinic clean. Sinks are also used by patients to clean their hands. The sinks are also of benefit to the clinic attendants since they use to clean up medical tools used on patients. Three sinks and three taps are required for the renovation. The clinic also requires replacement of the lighting system such as bulbs and electrical cables (Kenneth & Jeff, 2009). The bulbs of the clinic have blown out; therefore, new ones are required to keep the clinic operating. Lighting system is essential for the clinic to operate. Good lighting system enables the clinic attendants to operate in the right manner during the night. This enables effective working for 24 hours, which is essential to the residents of Texas City especially during emergencies. The electrical cables installed are worn out. This can cause electrical shocks, which can harm patients and clinic attendants. The beds found in Texas clinic are not in the appropriate shape to operate in a modern clinic. In cases of emergency, the clinic offers maternity services and first aid services that require the beds. Modern medical beds are required to serve this purpose in the appropriate manner without adding pain or injuries to patients. Since this clinic is not a big one, 4 beds are enough to serve patients. New Texas clinic is not spacious to accommodate a big number of patients. The only patients that are admitted are pregnant mothers in case of emergencies and accident victims for first aid before they are transferred to a hospital. For this reason, 4 beds are enough to accommodate the in-patients. New Texas family clinic also requires replacement of medical tools and apparatus. These are basic tools that are essential to very operating clinic. New Texas clinic tools and apparatus are old and are not in a good position to operate with hence they require replacement.

Most common patients who visit the clinic are young people who are sexually active for family planning services. New Texas clinic offers family planning services, and since the medical workers does their work well; many young people prefer their services. Young people have a busy schedule; therefore, like quick and effective service to save time for their other schedules. For this reason, effective tools and apparatus should be purchased to ensure effectiveness of their services (James, et al, 2010). Other common patients are expectant mothers who visit the clinic for anti-natal checkups. Expectant mothers need regular checkups because they face many health problems. To curb some of their problems, proper health tools and apparatus such as machines which are used to check on their temperatures and the level of their blood pressure are required. Nursing mothers also visit the clinic for the vaccination of their babies and their health services. Infants are very delicate and can be infected as a result of contamination. For this reason, facilities that ensure hygiene should be given a priority. This will help to ensure that, during their visit in the clinic, they do not collect germs that can be harmful to their bodies. New Texas family clinic attends a big number of residents of Texas City regardless of their age. This is as a result of the good services offered. Renovation of the clinic will improve the services; therefore, it will increase the number of patients to be served.



James, A., et al, (2010) Facilities Planning Macmillan Publisher

 Kenneth, T., & Jeff, L., (2009) Architecture and Medical Management Ken- Affric Publisher

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