
Fianacial Advice Support Network

Fianacial Advice Support Network

QUT International College

Your name (optional): _____________________________
How long have you been to Australia? ______________________

This questionnaire to find out the Students’ awareness of financial planning and the need for a support network to educate students from economically and avoid any future problems related to money. Thanks for your  time.
•    In which QUTIC course are you currently enrolled? ( eg Diploma, Foundation, EAP etc )

•    What is your home country?

1.    What themost difficult financial problem faced you in Brisbane?
Open a bank account in Australia.    ?
Receiving money order from outside Australia.    ?
Problems paying credit card dues    ?
Other. Please write________________________    ?
I never have any financial problem in Brisbane    ?

2.    How useful do you think it is to have a Financial AdviceSupport Network in QUT International College?

Very useful    Useful    No opinion    Not useful    Not very helpful
?    ?    ?    ?    ?

3.    How much you usually spend every month for your cost living such as accommodation and food – without education payments -?

More than 3000$ per month    ?
Between 1000$ – 3000$ per month    ?
Less than 1000 $     ?

4.    Who should be a part of Financial Advice Support Network? Choose one please

PastStudentsin Brisbane    ?
Financial advisors from financial management of QUT    ?
Specialist staffs from banks    ?

5.    How much do you agree with this statement:
” I have enough money to cover my living in Brisbane ”

Strongly agree    Agree    No opinion    Disagree    Strongly disagree
?    ?    ?    ?    ?

6.    How we can make QUTIC students know about Financial Advice Support Network in QUTIC?

Printing papers Advertising    ?
Send emails to students    ?
Establishment of lectures for the definition of the service    ?
Make a counter at the entrance gate of QUTIC    ?

7.    In your opinion, what is the most thing consumes funds students abroad in Brisbane?

Education payments    ?
Accommodation payments    ?
Food payments    ?
Transportation payments    ?

8.    Rank these services in order of important, Financial Advice Support Network provide several services, keep these services as important from your point of view? Add 1, 2, 3 , 4, 5
(1)    is mean the most important, (5) is the less important

Free Consultation with Professional economists.
Provide part-time jobs with companies.
Meeting another students who have experience in Brisbane.
Investment funds deposits students.
Printing Methods scientific and economic publications to educate international students.

9.    How can encourage international students to deal with Financial support network ? You can choose more than one

Easy to access with Network staffs    ?
Online appointment system.    ?
Weekend activities.    ?

10.    Any suggestions would you like to share ?

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