
Final Paper: Concept Application Essay Use paper requirements to determine title womens gender studies

Final Paper: Concept Application Essay Use paper requirements to determine title womens gender studies

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Use the concept “The Femme Fatale”and apply it to any film of your choice. Choose a film that we have not viewed in class. Analyze how that concept is applied to and represented in the film. You may choose to fully apply one concept to the film or multiple concepts to the film. Incorporate the readings from class and/or additional outside sources.

CONCEPT: The Femme Fatale

Other concepts that you can incorporate in the paper to the film chosen: Male Gaze, Female Gaze, Phallic Woman, Intersectionality, Fast Talking Dame (You may use a comedy of the 40s or a more contemporary interpretation of the FTD.), Action Women, The Final Girl, Mountain Culture, Gender, Food, & Resistance, Representations of gender, race, class, identities, etc.Representations of gender, race, class, identities, etc.

Be sure to include:

1) An introduction that “sets up” the film for the reader (assume the reader is not familiar with the film or its genre).

2) Fully defined concepts that will be analyzed.

3) The application of the concepts to the film.

4) Specific and relevant scene examples.

5) Incorporation of readings/references.


Typed; 12 pt. font; Times New Roman; Double spaced; 4 pages in length.


(A+) 197-200 = Synthesis and analysis; shows innovation and thoughtfulness by developing ideas beyond lecture

(A ) 190-196 = Analysis

(A -) 180- 189 Understanding; shows mastery of material presented in class

(B +) 175-179 = Memorization applies basic concepts and restate course concepts in OWN WORDS

(B ) 166-174 applies basic concepts by repeating

(B-) 160-165 applies some basic concepts

(C+) 156-159-= Awareness -Shows familiarity with course material but can’t accurately or completely recall most material

(C) 147- 155 Shows some familiarity with course material but can’t accurately or completely repeat

(C-) 140-146 Shows limited familiarity with course material

(D+) 130-139= Effort – Attempted work but doesn’t demonstrate basic awareness of course material

(D/D-) 120-129= Lack of effort – doesn’t follow directions (for example, part of the question is not addressed– examples are not

described, concepts aren’t defined, film concept is not addressed, etc.)

0 = Most of the question is not addressed, off topic, does not make a substantial attempt, or writes only a few sentences.

http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/MRC/noir/np05ff.html here is a link for the topic selected to reference to.

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