“Find two examples of traditional and contemporary buildings constructed using heavy timber framing system. Compare and contrast the two types, looking at joints, connections, member sizes etc. Use illustrations to demonstrate your unde
“Find two examples of traditional and contemporary buildings constructed using heavy
timber framing system. Compare and contrast the two types, looking at joints,
connections, member sizes etc. Use illustrations to demonstrate your understanding.”
I refer you to the University of Miami writing guidelines:
Your written final report should correspond to the following format, that of a scientific
paper. Your text should be typed double-spaced, in a12 pt. serif font and not more than
15 pages in length. Tables and figures do not count towards the page limit. You should
discuss your project, as fully as is merited, but as with submissions to scientific journals,
readers will not look with favor on discursive, overblown manuscripts. For more
information than appears below, consult any of numerous texts on scientific writing such
Day, Robert A. 1983. How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper. ISI Press,
Philadelphia, PA. 181pp.
Perry, Carol R. 1991. The Fine Art of Technical Writing. Blue Heron Publishing,
Hillsboro, OR. 112pp.
Committee on Form and Style of the Council of Biology Editors. 1972. CBE Style
Manual. American Institute of Biological Sciences, Washington, D.C., 297pp.
1. Introduction
Include literature on your understanding of timber construction systems in
general, the types (illustrate if need be to make it clear). Identify the key features
of the two systems you have been asked to study.
2. Methods
Give sufficient details of methods (including information on materials used) to
allow someone to duplicate your work, especially with respect to those factors
that may have had major effects on results. It is expected that you will use
qualitative methodology and a case study methods approach. Explain how you
found the materials, (library/ desktop research; actual visits to buildings if able
to). Note any special problems and how you overcame them (e.g., lack of
availability of barn or old traditional type buildings in Miami area etc).
3. Results and discussion
Present a summary of your data, drawings, and pictures, neat sketches that are
annotated to support your comparative study. This is where you cite your figures
and tables. Graphs will usually be most appropriate for showing your findings, but
data summaries (do not reproduce all your data) may be tabular. Include any
non-quantitative observations in the text. Describe the analysis of the data
including any comparative section/ detailed drawing performed.
Have additional questions been raised from your analysis? Have you satisfied the
objectives of your project? If you were to try to do the project again, would you do it
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