
For: Deborah NGR7892

For: Deborah NGR7892

Click here to access the guidelines for this assignment.Preview the documentView in a new window

Click here to access the evaluation rubric for this assignment. Preview the documentView in a new window


Click here to access the guidelines for the alternative experiential learning assignment. Preview the documentView in a new windowThis guideline should only be used by students who have received approval for their proposed alternative learning assignment.

Students should select one of the two assignments above—not both.

Regardless of the assignment option selected, the evaluation criteria outlined in the rubric accessible above will apply.


Assigned Reading(s)

Note to students: While there are a large number of assigned chapters in Modules 4 and 5, most of these are quite short (3-5 pages). As you review the content of this collection, keep the overarching objectives of the module in mind (i.e., helping students become familiar with some of the most important contemporary health policy issues facing advanced practice nurses and the larger health care system today).

Every effort has been made to optimize the alignment between the assigned readings and the specific/respective foci for Modules 4 and 5. This being said, there is considerable overlap between these discussions on contemporary policy issues and contemporary health policies (designed to address the issues). It may be helpful to think of the content of Modules 4 and 5 as “Part A and Part B”.

Mason Text: Chapters 22, 28, 31, 32, 35-38, 40, 54, 58, 60, 61, 66, 70, 71, 73, 81, 86, 87, 90, 91, 92

This YouTube video takes approximately 35 minutes. Whether you agree or disagree with the principles presented, Dr. Reed’s discussion will help expand your thinking and understanding of public policy—including health policy.

The Seven Principles of Sound Public Policy (Links to an external site.)

Presentation content for Module 4 may be added here in the future. Any changes to module/course content will be communicated through the Announcements feature in Canvas.

Learning Activities

Explore the AANP and ANA web site to learn more about contemporary policy issues that are on the forefront of the agenda among prominent advanced practice nursing organizations.

American Association of Nurse Practitioners (Links to an external site.) (explore content accessible via the “Advocacy Center” and “Political Action Committee” links)

American Nurses Association   (Links to an external site.)(explore content under the policy and advocacy tab)

National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (Links to an external site.)



Addressing Issues Impacting Advanced Nursing Practice Nursing Worldwide (Links to an external site.)
US Global Health Policy – The US Government Engagement in Global Health: A Primer Click Here to Access PDF(Review content on pages 1-8 and 19-22 and other according to your interest)
National Council of State Boards of Nursing: The APRN Consensus Model (Links to an external site.)(if you are not familiar with the APRN Consensus Model be sure to spend some time reviewing the original 2008 white paper on this topic; the implications are far reaching.)
Gaining Independent Prescriptive Practice: One State’s Experience in Adoption of the APRN Consensus Model
Policy Implications for Optimizing Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Use Nationally

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