France’s Religious History
France’s Religious History
I’ve attached the chapter of the textbook that my professor has assigned, but it SHOULD NOT BE THE ONLY SOURCE USED.
Professor has requested at least three sources cited in Chicago-style citation.
I chose France for my country.
“Those who say religion has nothing to do with politics do not know what religion is.†~ Mahatma GandhiÂ
Main Assignment:Â
Trace the historical development of faith in your chosen country from the pre-Christian era (describe the form of paganism practiced prior to the advent of monotheism)
to today, paying special attention to the situation of religious minorities in the country (then and now). Locate statistics on current religious observance and
include at least one theory about why the current situation is the way it is.
Religinn may be defined as humankindls
relatinnship tn what it regards as hnly nr sa-
cred. I-lnly pnwers are seen as external tn hu-
man snciety, and belief in them stems frnm
a human desire tn relate tn, even he depen-
dent upnn, fnrces nutsitle the physical wnrltl.
Tn he religinus, then, is tn feel cnnnecteti in
snme way tn the hnly. Religinns alsn elahn-
rate mnral cndes nf cnnduct and nnrnially
cnnstruct snme kind nf an nrganiaatinn tn
nversee the practice nf the religinn and assist
believers in that practice. Because religinn is
sn intimately assnciated with the well-being
nf the believers, grnups that have very dif-
ferent religinns nften view nne annther with
deep suspicinn and lack nf understanding.
Religinn, like language, is a fundamental
element nf a persnn’s identity and member-
ship in a larger cnllective cnn1n1unity. Unlike
language, hnwever, religinn is seen tn he tied
tn the cnmmunity’s very survival. Fnr this
reasnn, religinus rivalry can awaken much
deeper antagnnism than rivalry amnng lin-
guistic grnups. Indeed, Eurnpe has witnessed
an ennrmnus amnunt nf religinus vinlence
nver the centuries, nften resulting in massa-
cres, exp ulsin ns, and significant redefinitinns
nf territnrial hnundaries and identities.
E-eynnd its sacred cnntent and pntential
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