stakeholder quadrants map/A case study of Strategic Communications.
This case study is about Elon Musk’s TESLA Inc.
Please have a thorough research about the company – Tesla.
Section I – DUE 2/26/2016 at noon – Sunday USA Central Time Zone
Write a page about the company Tesla, what it does, why you admire it, and any issues it is currently having (this should be related to the main stakeholder project in
section II below. Think of it as the reason of why you picked the company Tesla as the case study).
Section II (MAIN PROJECT) – DUE 3/5/2016 at noon – Sunday USA Central Time Zone
A. Look at Tesla’s communication and develop a stakeholder quadrants map.
stakeholder map which lists the TESLA company’s stakeholders into one of the four quadrants and a description of why you put them there;
B. Then for each of the stakeholders, which has to include the followings and not limited to: Employees, investors, customers, not-for-profits or NGOs, government and
the media, and more… grade how well the company is doing.
C. For the stakeholder with the lowest grade, describe how you would fix the problem and develop one example of what that might look like
D. FINAL OUTPUT – Create PowerPoints for about 5-7 slides for all A, B and C, with an introduction slide about Section I.
More information about the stakeholder mapping:
Additional materials that can help determine who are the stakeholders and where to list them and the reasons of why:
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