Gung Ho Film Topic Analysis
Watch the film Gung Ho (see Module One for links) and write a ten to twelve-page analysis addressing two of the discussion topics of your choice. The paper will have two parts, one for each topic. Make sure you make clear which topics you are analyzing. Use Arial size 12 font and double space.
Topic 1: Individualism and collectivism represent two endpoints on a continuum used to analyze different cultural orientations. Individualism refers to a sense of personal focus, autonomy, and compensation. Collectivism describes a group focus, self-subjugation, obligation, and sharing of rewards. How do you see American and Japanese workers differing on this dimension? You might compare the reactions of the Japanese manager whose wife was about to give birth with those of the American worker who had planned to take his child to a doctor’s appointment.
Topic 2: Throughout the film, one gains an impression of how Americans and the Japanese might differ in their approach to resolving conflict. Separately describe how each culture tends to approach conflict, and how the cultures might be different from each other.
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