
Health and Human Performance: Community Health

Topic: Health and Human Performance: Community Health

Order Description

Telephone number on file after both a quiz and exam.

200 quiz questions plus, 200 exam questions, equals 400 questions, all timed questions.

Ten Online Quizzes each twenty questions for 200 questions.
Students will need to complete 10 online quizzes related to the chapters. Take note: All of the quizzes have due dates posted online (due by noon). Students will be unable to make-up a quiz when the due date has passed. Students will only be able to access the quiz one time, so once you enter the quiz be prepared to take the quiz. Quizzes have a 30 minute limit. If you get locked out of the quiz accidentally, e-mail me and I will re-set it as long as it is before the due date.

Two Exam each fifty questions for 200 questions.
A mid-term and final exam will be administered throughout the semester, covering all information covered in homework assignments, websites, quizzes, and the book. Exams will be due by noon of the scheduled exam day. Exams have a 3 hour limit. *No make-up exams will be given, unless arrangements are made prior to the exam or a verifiable medical excuse is provided.

Syllabus included as attachment with dates and times in a diagram charted format.

Here you will locate then click Introduction to Community Health https://online.vitalsource.com/signin?return=/books/9781284059588/recent, Username phatfella2005@gmail.com password 1234brownell.

Access https://leo.tamuc.edu/ using quiz login and password, then access javascript:open_window(‘/eCollege.aspx’,’eCollege’,’menubar=1′,’width=1080′,’height=768′) or http://online.tamuc.org/Shared/Portal/ECPWireFrame_xml.asp?elogin=1&fromFVC=true&NoCache=51601 or click top right hyperlink text “eCollege” for finding both quizzes and exams.

Access http://online.tamuc.org/Shared/Portal/eCPWireframe_XML.asp?Page=901 or click top left hyperlink “My Courses”, select http://online.tamuc.org/re/DotNextLaunch.asp?courseid=11492948&userid=28469001&sessionid=2b6bbb2f98&tabid=1jmXDEaqDv5stRjqtbRueFz+UuudyPH8QC/GyJAZYbk=&sessionFirstAuthStore=true&macid=D75P1yFMoHhhN+kD9T1rJAaAlfDe1m1hKpIPwetW0XLcVb41/uaYk10E3n+uDxQIV9OiYr87ZRjQXr54liR/b71ilc9/VDQ9ogKTYffZnM/GrfIfsNVftWtp1SWud3NqZ7UwQcJsYdV5R9AMyWX+suVfBtpv9l63LLvsj08FI29W5nP6Nka3wCIrdY3Cjb0Oye8JA5f2EpvtTxTb/vN1EA== or click mid page text “HHPH 130 01W – Dang, Quynh D. INTRO TO PERSONAL & COMM HEALT” for course material links and a left panel with the course outline written just like it is on syllabus attachment

Here, navigate through the given links to take Ten Quizzes and Two exams that equal the totaling 400 questions. Quizzes are timed at 30 minutes with twenty questions Each. Exams are worth 400 points, each is 100 questions to completion.

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