
Health Strategic Decision Making in Health

Health Strategic Decision Making in Health

  Question: Choose a health management problem which you are familiar with and briefly describe it, using appendices if necessary. Analyse the situation using four different frames of reference: – structural – human resourcei – political – symbolic Your assignment needs to conclude with a possible solution to the problem drawn from the analysis from the four frames of reference.

General guidelines for completing your essay:

As you make the final draft of your essay you should ask yourself the following questions:
• Does the introduction to the essay foreshadow the theme/shape of your argument?
• Does the assignment develop in a connected, logical way?
• Does each paragraph present a main idea and subsequent elaboration?
• Have you defined the way in which you intend to use term(s)?
• Have you selected an appropriate place to define terms (for example, when the term was first used) and incorporated it within the context of your discussion?
• Does the conclusion draw together the threads of the argument, themes, etc. and present your final comment or solution to the question?
• Have you been critical in your analysis?
• Is the spelling and grammar acceptable?
• Have you correctly referenced all ideas that are not your own throughout your essay, acknowledging and documenting all sources of information adequately and appropriately so that you will not be penalised?
• Have you allowed yourself enough time to write (and read) your draft?
• Have you edited your essay, focusing upon the clarity of the main argument as well as optimising the length of the assignment?
You should use an academic essay format with subheadings.

Marking Criteria
Criteria Marks
1. Incorporates relevant concepts and theories
o Addresses the subject and the issues raised in the question
o Demonstrates an appropriate level of understanding of the theoretical principles and concepts
o Relevant principles and concepts are used with appropriate application to support argument. 60
2. Use of resources
o Evidence of an appropriate level of research regarding the various concepts
o Evidence of a range of relevant resources are used and integrated into the discussion
o Appropriate and accurate referencing 20
3. Communication
o Ideas are clearly articulated and coherently structured
o The paper is presented in an acceptable academic format
o The paper is structured logically and clearly with an appropriate conclusion. 20


Queenly Community Health Service (QCHS) provides a comprehensive range of services in the regional area in which it is located.  Clients/consumers who require counselling services might be referred by health care practitioners or might self-refer to the Service.  QCHS currently operates on a service model that includes clients coming to an initial counselling appointment where the rostered intake counselling practitioner assesses the client’s needs and may make a referral to either the general counselling service or specialist counselling teams within QCHS.  Currently there is a 3 months wait for clients to come for the intake assessment appointment.  This waiting time has been steadily increasing over the last 12 months.  Clients then have a further wait of 4 to 9 months until they are able to have their arranged counselling appointment – although clients with urgent problems are seen by Service staff as a priority.  Financial resources are finite and while QCHS will receive workforce cost CPI (consumer price increase) increases each year, increases in staffing positions are not anticipated for QCHS.  QCHS needs to make some strategic decisions about client access, models of care delivery and its operations.


Question: Choose a health management problem which you are familiar with and briefly describe it, using appendices if necessary.  Analyse the situation using four different frames of reference:

– structural

– human resourcei

– political

– symbolic

Your assignment needs to conclude with a possible solution to the problem drawn from the analysis from the four frames of reference.


General guidelines for completing your essay:
As you make the final draft of your essay you should ask yourself the following questions:
•    Does the introduction to the essay foreshadow the theme/shape of your argument?
•    Does the assignment develop in a connected, logical way?
•    Does each paragraph present a main idea and subsequent elaboration?
•    Have you defined the way in which you intend to use term(s)?
•    Have you selected an appropriate place to define terms (for example, when the term was first used) and incorporated it within the context of your discussion?
•    Does the conclusion draw together the threads of the argument, themes, etc. and present your final comment or solution to the question?
•    Have you been critical in your analysis?
•    Is the spelling and grammar acceptable?
•    Have you correctly referenced all ideas that are not your own throughout your essay, acknowledging and documenting all sources of information adequately and appropriately so that you will not be penalised?
•    Have you allowed yourself enough time to write (and read) your draft?
•    Have you edited your essay, focusing upon the clarity of the main argument as well as optimising the length of the assignment?


You should use an academic essay format with subheadings.













Marking Criteria

Criteria Marks
1.      Incorporates relevant concepts and theorieso   Addresses the subject and the issues raised in the question

o   Demonstrates an appropriate level of understanding of the theoretical principles and concepts

o   Relevant principles and concepts are used with appropriate application to support argument.

2.      Use of resourceso   Evidence of an appropriate level of research regarding the various concepts

o   Evidence of a range of relevant resources are used and integrated into the discussion

o   Appropriate and accurate referencing

3.      Communicationo   Ideas are clearly articulated and coherently structured

o   The paper is presented in an acceptable academic format

o   The paper is structured logically and clearly with an appropriate conclusion.




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