High-Performance Work Systems
Human Resources Management
These exercises look at Human Resources Management in an interactive manner:
HRM Exercise: Employee Turnover & Absenteeism
HRM Exercise: High-Performance Work Systems
HRM Exercise: Bargaining
HRM Exercise: Interview
HRM Exercise: Performance Diagnosis
HRM Exercise: Challenges
HRM Exercise: Compensation
HRM Exercise: Talent Management
HRM Exercise: Job Analysis
High-Performance Work Systems: Cengage HRM Exercise
Discuss the Cengage Human Resources Management exercises included in this week’s materials.
Consider the following:
• What was the main issue of this week’s topic?
• How were your choices received by the supervisor in the simulation?
• What was the main lesson that you learned from this exercise?
• Based on the discussion in class, did other people approach the scenario with your same point of view?
• Based on the discussion in class, how were your results similar or different from those of your peers?
© University of Phoenix 2010 Page 1
The Characteristics Of Successful HR & Learning
Josh Bersin highlights the important skills that HR and learning professionals need to acquire in order
to be successful.
ID: 50V101229000752093
The Characteristics Of Successful HR & Learning
2004-2010, 50 Lessons Ltd.
Business and Economics
Organizational Behavior
Josh Bersin
President and CEO
Bersin & Associates
Professional Services
I think I’ve had the privilege of meeting probably hundreds of learning and HR executives
over the last five or six years, and I see a very complex set of skills that drive success. One
is definitely a deep understanding of the domain itself; the practices of learning and
teaching and development and training are complex. And so, these professionals generally
know the basics pretty well. The second is they have to be extremely savvy of the
organization they live in.
There was chief learning officer for a large insurance company I met three or four years
ago. This was a company that was going through a complete change of business strategy,
from a company that sold commodity insurance by the policy, to a company that really
wanted to be a risk-management consulting firm. And they wanted their insurance
salespeople to become strategic advisors to business people, not just insurance salesmen.
The CEO called the CLO into his office and said, “OK, I want you to fly all of the
salespeople into New York for two weeks. And we’re going to do two weeks of training.
And we’re going to train them on the new strategy.”
This particular is CLO was very, very savvy about the organization. He understood
learning, and he understood behavior. He said, “That’s never going to work. I guarantee
you that 10 percent of the people will get it the first day, 20 percent of the people will get it
the first week, about 60 or 70 percent of the people will probably take a year, and about 30
percent of the people will never get it. So rather than flying everybody in, which will cost us
a lot of money and probably have very little impact, we’re going to find the 10 percent, and
we’re going to fly them. And we’re going to make them our leaders. And they’re going to go
out, and they’re going to help us teach and explain and mentor the rest of the organization
on how to make this transformation.”
This particular company has gone through a tremendously valuable transformation, and the
CLO had to stand up to the CEO and he had to tell the CEO that what he wanted to do was
wrong. So he had to have the confidence to do that and he had to have the organizational
savvy to understand what would work in that company. He also had to have the business
savvy to understand that this transformation was the most important thing in the company.
And what he also did was stop investing in almost every other program he was doing, so
he could put all of his money into this.
I think that’s the third area of expertise: strong learning and development and talent
executives have to be business people first. They have to continuously re-evaluate where
they’re spending money, because it turns out, in my experience and in our research, that
probably 10 to 20 percent of the of the learning and development programs are really
driving 80 percent of the value in a corporation. And when the critical business issues
come up, you have to have the money to invest in those areas. It’s a very important journey
for learning and development and HR professionals to develop these executive skills.
The first thing they need is experience. The more programs, the more projects, the more
opportunities you have to develop something new, and roll it out, and stick with it until it’s
had impact, the more successful you’ll be. Eighty or ninety percent of the success of most
training and HR programs is in the implementation, not in the design. I think we all get very
excited about the design because it’s creative, but where the rubber meets the road is
really when the individuals in the company use their new skills or information and apply
The second thing that I think really helps HR and learning and development executives is
business experience and business acumen; any possible way to become more savvy
© University of Phoenix 2010 Page 2
The Characteristics Of Successful HR & Learning
about the business that you’re in is important.
The third thing that drives success in these executives is a continuous focus on the
discipline itself and continuously learning more. My experience is that the principles of
learning and HR and talent management are constantly changing. They’re changing
because of the new technologies, the way the workforce changes, the way business
changes. And you can’t really make good decisions as an executive in HR and learning
without being aware of the practices that are truly modern. It’s very easy for your staff to
come up with an idea for a project or a plan, and you sometimes have to figure out if this is
the bleeding edge, or this is something a lot of other companies are doing it have
succeeded at. So I think it’s a profession, like many, where your continuous professional
development will make a big difference in your success and in your credibility.
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