
How would you go about evaluating the effectiveness of an LMD intervention to improve core leadership competences

“How would you go about evaluating the effectiveness of an LMD intervention to improve core leadership competences?”

Order Description

“How would you go about evaluating the effectiveness of an Leadership Management Development (LMD)intervention to improve core leadership competences?” (4500 words)

Assessment criteria
1. Critically evaluate the relationship between effective leadership/management development and organisational performance
3. Analyse competences for measuring effective leadership and management performance
4. Evaluate, select and apply a range of approaches to identifying leadership and management development needs
5. Produce a report suitable for academic and practitioner audiences
Preparing for the assessment:
In preparing for this assessment you should keep in mind the learning outcomes (above) and seek to find answers to these questions:
• Define what you mean by ‘evaluation’, effectiveness, ‘LMD’, ‘competences’ and the meaning of success (i.e. individual or organisational).
• Discuss some of the difficulties involved with measuring leadership competencies;
• Consider how you would go about implementing and evaluating progress on the basis of the difficulties you have identified.

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