HR Reflection Paper Research Paper
Please see attached file for a reflective paper that needs to be written. Document Preview: Reflective Paper (10%) Even deeper learning occurs when you have a chance to reflect on what you have learned and tie it to things you already know. The Reflective Paper will require that you comment on specific HR practices in an organization that you are working for/have worked for in the past OR on the applicability of specific Canadian HR practices in a country with which you are very familiar. You do not need to have worked extensively in that country as long as you have a solid understanding of the culture of that country. This is not a research paper but we should be able to easily confirm that what you are saying is true. All papers are due in the Avenue to Learn online DropBox by 10:00 a.m. (EST) on Monday, March 25, 2012. Do not email your paper to the instructor or a TA or hand it in manually to an Administrative Assistant. In terms of content, your paper must comment on a specific issue in each of the following four areas, with each area being worth 2% of the grade. The final 2% will be used to assess the communication quality of your paper. Recruitment & Selection Training & Development Performance Management & Discipline Pay & Benefits For example you may choose to discuss whether pay for performance would ever work in your organization, or if it has been implemented if it is producing desired results. If you are doing a country-based reflection you may choose to discuss selection criteria that carry much more importance e.g. school attended. The smart approach would be to work on this paper steadily throughout the semester, ideally completing a draft of each section during/just after we cover the related course content. Leaving the paper until a week or few days before the due date is highly risky, as you will be much less likely to demonstrate the critical thinking we are looking for or to communicate your ideas clearly, persuasively and with due care to writing conventions (spelling, grammar). Papers that are just a stream of Attachments: REFLECTION-PA.docx
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