HSCO 509 Discussion 1 Forum 1
1.Multiculturalism is an important subject for counselors. However, students pursuing degrees in counseling can find the call by multiculturalists to embrace the differences in clients without judgment to be a difficult challenge. This is particularly true for conservative Christian counselors working with clients from different religions or who participate in behaviors that are condemned in the Bible. What should Christian counselors do when working with clients from different religious backgrounds or who engage in “sinful” behavior as a lifestyle? Should counselors challenge the religious beliefs or moral values of clients? Why or why not. 400 word min and include 1 cited, academic resource. Textbook—Hays, D. G., & Erford, B. T. (2014). Developing multicultural counseling competence: A systems approach (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. ISBN: 9780132851022.
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