
Incorporating a training program should be SMART

Incorporating a training program should be SMART

Question 1

Incorporating a training program should be SMART (Simple, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely). To be more effective in an Ethics, Compliance, and Training plan the training must be specific to the expected outcome of employees:

  • Interactive to engage employees during the training time.
  • Allowed time for questions and answers to ensure the concept is being understood.
  • Make it memorable with an online quizzes, this will allow employees to stay focused on the company ethics and values.
  • Always create the training to become relatable to the organizational structure. Reinforce the information in a positive behavior.
  • Continual ongoing training yearly. Code of conduct should be visible to all employees.
  • The Ethics, Compliance, and Training plan would allow staff members to see how all are and will be held accountable for their misconduct.

West, J., Berman, E., Bonczek, S., &Kellar, E. (1998) states they do not claim that ethics training causes positive outcomes. However, they do believe that efforts are made to improve the trust of the company stakeholders. From the CEO, Compliance Officers, Managers, and employees is the order of governance that starts at the top.

Maleske, M. (2013) states there’s no one size-fits-all approach to legal and regulatory compliance. All departments in an organization that are regulated with a specific funding source has their own governing rules not to be associated with another funding source. Although funding source may appear to be equal, there governance are always separated. A better understanding would come from the ethics policy being shared with staff to identify the principles of integrity and responsibility states Hagel, J. (2015, March 1). Conducts can be ethical or unethical. In most cases if there is a governing body and stakeholder most companies would follow an ethical behavior. With stakeholders there is accountability from upper management to the employees, Gonzalez-Patdron, T. (2015).


Question 2

Training presentation outline: Ethics and Compliance

  • Ethics training is a necessary component to and effective and compelling corporate culture; the implementation and review of the Code of Conduct, workplace harassment, conflicts of interest, and confidential information will be the base of ethics and compliance program (Verschoor, 2014).
  • Identification of an ethical system which embodies the principle ideals of our organization; ethical goals and strategies must align with strategic goals to parallel focus and ideologies (Bayley, 2012).
  • Ethics and compliance will be managed by compliance officers who will oversee legalities, ethics, training, risk management, and auditing; assures compliance with state and federal regulations, manages corporate governance, consumer protections, and the health and safety of employees (Gonzalez-Padron, 2015).
  • Annual training of the workforce is an essential component to internalize ethical conduct and build system wide integrity; adopt a zero tolerances to corruption and fraud, implementing an anonymous compliance hotline, and conduct annual review of ethical and compliance policies and procedures will strengthen our ethical culture (Hagel, 2015).



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