
Individual Assignment on Systems & Operations Management module

Individual Assignment on Systems & Operations Management module

Every module has a Module Definition Form (MDF) which is the officially validated record of the module.  You can access the MDF for this module in three ways via:
?    the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)
?    the My.Anglia Module Catalogue at www.anglia.ac.uk/modulecatalogue
?    Anglia Ruskin’s module search engine facility at www.anglia.ac.uk/modules
All modules delivered by Anglia Ruskin University at its main campuses in the UK and at Associate Colleges throughout the UK and overseas are governed by the Academic Regulations.  You can view these at www.anglia.ac.uk/academicregs. An extract of the Academic Regulations, known as the Assessment Regulations, is available at this website too (all new students will have received a printed copy as part of their welcome pack).
In the unlikely event of any discrepancy between the Academic Regulations and any other publication, including this module guide, the Academic Regulations, as the definitive document, take precedence over all other publications and will be applied in all cases.
1.2    Introduction to the Module
The module will give students the opportunity to understand the strategic role of systems and operations management in businesses. There will be an exploration of how systems and operations are key enablers for improving customer experiences and for managing processes. The module will focus on how systems are essential for value chain and supply chain management. The operations process and information systems perspective of the input-process-output model will be applied. Using these theories and models, students will be able to critique organisations and develop proposals to improve systems and operations within an organisation.
The ability to analyse current situation is a key analytical skill for developing student’s ability to solve problems. Students will develop knowledge of information systems infrastructures and how to apply these ideas to an organisation. This will include communications networks and how to secure networks and the fundamentals of database design that lie at the heart of enterprise/ERP systems. The role and capability of enterprise applications will be explored, including CRM; SCM and KMS.
The links between these systems and operations excellence will be evaluated. Students will be expected to understand these systems which are common in the workplace; hence, knowledge of this key terminology is a practical outcome of the module. The technique of rich picture building/mind mapping will be used to evaluate the organisation. This will form the basis of exploring the people; management and technology issues in relation to systems and operations improvement. The strategic analysis; information systems design element and evaluation of the issues will enable the student to develop well-justified and logical improvement ideas for business excellence in systems and operations.
1.3    Learning Outcomes
This module, like all modules at Anglia Ruskin, is taught on the basis of achieving intended learning outcomes.  On successful completion of the module, the student will be expected to be able to demonstrate the following:
Knowledge and understanding    LO 1.     Assess the strategic importance of information systems and operations processes
LO 2.    Evaluate how to improve operations management processes using theories and information systems Intellectual, practical, affective and transferable skills
Intellectual, practical, affective and transferable skills    LO 3.    Design appropriate IT infrastructures to manage data and information for improved operations
LO 4.     Analyse people; management and technology issues in relation to systems and operations improvement

The assessment is based on meeting these learning outcomes, shown explicitly in section 4, where the assessment task is linked to these learning outcomes.

2.    Employability Skills in this Module
It is important that we help you develop employability skills throughout your course which will assist you in securing employment and supporting you in your future career. During your course you will acquire a wide range of key skills. In this module, you will develop those identified below:

Skill    Skills acquired in this module
Communication (oral)    X
Communication (written)    X
Commercial Awareness    X
Cultural sensitivity    X
Customer focus    X
Data Handling    X
Decision making    X
Enterprising    X
Flexibility    X
Initiative    X
Interpersonal Skills    X
Leadership/Management of others    X
Networking    X
Organisational adaptability    X
Project Management    X
Problem Solving and analytical skills    X
Responsibility    X
Team working    X
Time Management    X

3.    Outline Delivery and Reading Lists @ Anglia
3.1    Outline Delivery
The table below indicates how the module will be delivered.  However, this schedule is indicative and may be subject to change.
Week    Lecture    Seminar/Workshop    Student-managed Learning
02 Feb, 2015
Information systems and operations management and its relevance to your career
Ikea Case Study: Apply the input-process-output model; assess the role of the customer and information needs.    Chapter 1: Business Information Systems in Your Career
Chapter 2: Global E-Business: and Collaboration
09 Feb, 2015    Strategic role of enterprise systems (ERP) and operations within a supply chain    Value chain analysis and the role of systems    Chapter 3: Achieving Competitive Advantage with Information Systems
16 Feb, 2015    Analysing organisations’ requirements and building solutions    Analysing the people; organisational and technological issues in the organisation using rich pictures/mind-mapping.    Chapter 11: Building Information Systems and Managing Projects
Chapter 4: IT Infrastructure: Hardware and Software
23 Feb, 2015    Supporting processes and the network infrastructure    Process design; network infrastructure and security    Chapter 6: Telecommunications, the Internet, and Wireless Technology
Chapter 7: Securing Information Systems
02 Mar, 2015    Assessment focus
Business Intelligence introduction: logical database structures    Workshop in database design: tables and relationships in MS Access    Chapter 5: Foundations of Business Intelligence: Databases and Information Management
09 Mar, 2015    Working with data in business: SQL and querying databases    Workshop in database design: queries and SQL in MS Access    No specific reading to allow time to prepare your assessed group presentations- Revision Chp1-11
16 Mar, 2015    User-friendliness and skills in designing user interfaces for business
Working with databases and enterprise systems    Workshop in database design: forms and reports in MS Access    No specific reading to allow time to prepare your assessed group presentations- Revision Chp1-11
23 Mar, 2015    Supply chain dynamics, supply chain management (SCM) and communication networks    HP laptop case study: Mapping global supply networks and understanding the flow of inventory through processes    Chapter 9: E-commerce: Digital Markets, Digital Goods
EASTER VACATION: Monday 30th March – Friday 10 April 2015
13 April, 2015    Operations improvement for the customer through customer relationship management (CRM)    The impact of CRM on marketing and sales    Chapter 8: Achieving Operations Excellence and Customer Intimacy: Enterprise Applications
20 April, 2015    Assessment Group Presentation    Submitted:  In class or  electronically
27 April, 2015    Business intelligence and knowledge management systems (KMS)    The use of business intelligence for decision making    Chapter 10; Improving Decision Making and Managing Knowledge
04 May 2015    Consideration of the social and ethical dimensions    Discussion on the dimensions    Chapter 12; Ethical and social issues in Information Systems
Assignment due date:
Tuesday 12 May 2015 no later than 2pm

3.2    Reading List and Learning Resources
The reading list and learning resources for this module are available on Reading Lists at Anglia, you can access the reading list for this module, via this link: http://readinglists.anglia.ac.uk/lists/3BB0C5F2-A886-F4ED-DD47-BF1ED5CE15DC.html

4.    Assessment on this Module
The assessment for this module consists of two elements. Final submission dates for elements of assessment vary.
Element    Type of assessment    Word or time limit    % of Total Mark    Submission method    Final Submission Date
Group Presentation  focused on IT structure of one of the following:
1)    network & security,
2)    database design  and relationships,
3)    querying the data base,
4)    database user interface     6-8 minutes
video    25%    Inclass/CD-Rom /USB/email/VLE    Week  10
W/C 20 April, 2015
011    Individual Assignment    2,000
words    75%    Turnitin®UK GradeMark

or in hard copy (off main UK campus only)    NO LATER THAN:
Tuesday 12 May 2015 2pm

All forms of assessment must be submitted by the published deadline which is detailed above.  It is your responsibility to know when work is due to be submitted – ignorance of the deadline date will not be accepted as a reason for late or non-submission.  Any late work will NOT be considered and a mark of zero will be awarded for the assessment task in question.
You are requested to keep a copy of your work (excluding exams).

You are entitled to feedback on your performance for all your assessed work.  For all assessment tasks which are not examinations, this is accomplished by a member of academic staff providing your mark and associated comments which will relate to the achievement of the module’s intended learning outcomes and the assessment criteria you were given for the task when it was first issued.  This feedback will be available on-line via Turnitin/Grademark® or may be sent directly to your Anglia Ruskin e-mail account.

The marker of your assignment will include feedback on written assignments that includes answers to these three key questions:
1.    What is your overall feedback?
2.    How does your assignment compare to the marking criteria?
3.    How can you improve in the future?

Examination scripts are retained by Anglia Ruskin and are not returned to students.  However, you are entitled to feedback on your performance in an examination and may request a meeting with the Module Leader or Tutor to see your examination script and to discuss your performance.
Anglia Ruskin is committed to providing you with feedback on all assessed work within 20 working days of the submission deadline or the date of an examination.  This is extended to 30 days for feedback for a Major Project module (please note that working days excludes those days when Anglia Ruskin University is officially closed; e.g.: between Christmas and New Year).  Personal tutors will offer to read feedback from several modules and help you to address any common themes that may be emerging.
On occasion, you will receive feedback and marks for pieces of work that you completed in the earlier stages of the module.  We provide you with this feedback as part of the learning experience and to help you prepare for other assessment tasks that you have still to complete.  It is important to note that, in these cases, the marks for these pieces of work are unconfirmed.  This means that, potentially, marks can change, in either direction!
Marks for modules and individual pieces of work become confirmed on the Dates for the Official Publication of Results which can be checked at www.anglia.ac.uk/results.

4.1    Assessment Information and Marking Criteria

Case Study: Turnround at the Huada Plant
“Before the crisis, production monitoring was done to please the client, not for problem solving. Data readouts were brought to Production meetings, we would all look at it, but none of us were looking behind it”. (Jack Li, Chief operating officer (COO), Huada Plant)

The Huada Plant was located in Fujian, China. Precision-coated papers for specialist printing uses accounted for the majority of the plant’s output. The plant used state-of-the-art coating machines that allowed very precise coatings to be applied to bought-in rolls of paper. After coating, the coated rolls were cut into standard sizes.

The curl problem
In the spring of 2011, Tongfa (the plant’s main customer) informed the plant of problems it had encountered with paper curling under conditions of low humidity. There had been no customer complaints. Tongfa’s own personnel had noticed the problem, but they took the problem seriously. Over the next eight months, the plant’s production staff worked to isolate the cause of the problem and improve systems that monitored processing metrics. By January 2012, the process was producing acceptable product, yet it had not been a good year for the plant. Although volumes were buoyant, the plant was making a loss of around ¥10 million (Chinese yuan) a year. In October 2011, Jack Li was appointed as COO.

Slipping out of control
Although the curl project was solved, productivity, scrap and re-work levels were poor. In response to this, operations managers increased the speed of the line in order to raise productivity. “Looking back, changes were made without any proper discipline, there was no real concept of control and the process was allowed to drift. Our culture said, “If it’s within specification then it’s OK”, and we were very diligent in making sure that the product which was shipped was in specification. However, Tongfa gets ‘process data’ which enables them to see exactly what is happening right inside your operation. We were also getting all the data but none of it was being internalised. By contrast, Tongfa has a ‘capability mentality’. They say, “You might be capable of making this product but we are thinking two or three product generations forward and asking ourselves, do we want to invest in this relationship for the future?” (Jack Li)

The spring of 2012 was eventful. First, Tongfa asked the plant to carry out preliminary work for a new paper to supply its next generation of printers, known as the Dragon project. Second, the plant was acquired by the GoldPaper Group, which was not impressed by what it found. The plant had been making a loss for two years and had incurred Tongfa’s disapproval over the curl issue. They made it clear that if the plant did not get the Dragon contract, its future looked bleak. Meanwhile, in the plant, the chief concern was plant productivity, but also Tongfa was starting to make complaints about quality levels. Yet Tongfa’s attitude caused bewilderment in the Production team. “When Tongfa asked questions about our process the operations guys would say, “Look we’re making roll after roll of paper, it’s within specification and we’ve got 97 per cent up-time. What’s the problem?” (COO, Huada Plant). But it was not until summer that the full extent of Tongfa’s disquiet was made clear. “I will never forget that day in June of 2012. I was with Tongfa in Shanghai, and during the meeting one of their engineers handed me some of the process data that we had to supply with every batch of product, and said “Here’s your latest data. We think you’re out of control and you don’t know that you’re out of control and we think that Tongfa is looking at this data more than you are.” He was absolutely right. (Jack Li)

The crisis
Jack Li immediately set about the task of bringing the plant back under control. They first of all decided to go back to the conditions which the monitoring system indicated had prevailed in January, when the curl problem had been solved and before productivity pressures had caused the process to be adjusted. At the same time, Production worked on ways of implementing unambiguous ‘shut-down rules’ which would indicate to operators when a line should be halted if they were in doubt about operating quality. “At one point in May of 2012, we had to throw away 700 jumbo rolls of out-of-specification product. That’s over ¥2 million of product scrapped in one run. That was because operators had been afraid to shut the line down. Either that or they had tried to tweak the line while it was running to get rid of the defect. The shut-down system says, “We are not going to operate when we are not in a state of control”. Prior to that, our operators just couldn’t win. If they failed to keep the process running we would say, “You’ve got to keep productivity up”. If they kept the machines running but had quality problems as a result, we criticised them for making garbage. Now you get into far more trouble for violating process procedures than for not meeting productivity targets”. “We did two further things. First, each production team started holding daily reviews of processing data and some ‘first pass’ analysis of the data. Second, one day a month we brought all three shifts together, looked at the processing data and debated the implications of production data. Some people got nervous because we were not producing anything. But for the first time you got operators from the three shifts, together with the Production team, talking about operating issues. We also invited Tongfa up to attend these meetings. Remember, these weren’t staged meetings; it was the first time these guys had met together and there was plenty of heated discussion, all of which the Tongfa representatives witnessed”. (Engineer, Huada Plant)

In spite of the changes, morale on the shop floor was good. At last something positive was happening. By September 2012, the process was coming under control and the efficiency of the plant was improving, as was its outgoing quality level, its on-time delivery, its responsiveness to customer orders and its inventory levels (Table 1). Yet the Huada team did not have time to enjoy their emerging success. In September of 2012, Tongfa announced that the plant would not get the Dragon project because of their discomfort about quality levels, and GoldPaper formally made their decision on the future of the plant. “We lost ten million dollars in 2012. We had also lost the Dragon project. It was no surprise when they made the decision to shut the plant down. I told the senior management team that we would announce it in April of 2013. The irony was that we knew that we had already turned the corner. It would take perhaps three or four months, but we were convinced that we would become profitable”. (Jack Li)

Table 1: Huada Plant demand and production (2012)
Month    Demand (rolls)    Cumulative Demand (rolls)    Production (rolls)    Cumulative Production
(rolls)    Inventory (rolls)
January    5500    5500    7500    7500    2000
February    3230    8730    7300    14800    6070
March    3670    12400    3900    18700    6300
April    5300    17700    3500    22200    4500
May    4130    21830    3500    25700    3170*
June    3890    25720    3750    29450    3730
July    4380    30100    3950    33400    3300
August    6370    36470    4300    37700    1230
September    4130    40600    4830    42530    1930
October    3080    43680    5280    47810    4130
November    2950    46630    5600    53410    6780
December    3300    49930    6300    59710    9780
Demand    4160            Average
Inventory    4410
*700 rolls of out-of-specification product dumped

Convincing the rest of the world
Notwithstanding the closure decision, the management team in Huada set about the task of convincing both Tongfa and GoldPaper that the plant could be viable. They figured that it would take three things. First, it was vital that they continue to improve quality. Second, costs had to be brought down further. Third, the plant had to create a portfolio of new product ideas.

Improving quality further involved establishing full statistical process analysis into the process monitoring system. It also meant establishing quality consciousness and problem-solving tools throughout the plant. “We had people out there, technologists and managers, who saw themselves as concerned with investment projects rather than the processes that were affected. But taking time out and discussing process performance and improvement, we got used to discussing the basic capabilities that we needed to improve”. (Jack Li)

Working on cost reduction was inevitably going to be painful. The first task was to get an understanding of what should be an appropriate level of operating costs. “We went through a zero-based assessment to decide what an ideal process would look like. By the way, in hindsight, cutting numbers had a greater impact on cost than the payroll saving figures seems to suggest. If you really understand your process, when you cut people it cuts complexity and makes things clearer to understand. Although most staff had not been told about the closure decision, they were left in no doubt that the plant had its back to the wall. We were careful to be very transparent. We made sure that everyone knew whether they would be affected or not. I did lots of walking around explaining the company’s position. There were tensions and some negative reactions from the people who had to leave. Yet most accepted the business logic of what we were doing.” (Jack Li)

By December of 2012, there were 40 per cent fewer people in the plant than two months earlier. All departments were affected. Surprisingly, the quality department shrank more than most, moving from 22 people down to nine. “When the plant was considering down-sizing, they asked me, “How can we run a lab with six technicians?” Remember that at this time we had 22 technicians. I said, “Easy. We get production to make good product in the first place, and then we don’t have to control all the garbage”. (Quality Manager, Huada Plant)

Several new product ideas were investigated, including some that were only possible because of the plant’s enhanced capability. The most important of these became known as “Ecowrap”, a recyclable protective wrap, aimed at the Japanese market. It was technically difficult, but the plant’s new capabilities allowed it to develop appropriate coatings at a cost that made the product attractive.

Out of the crisis
In spite of their trauma in the autumn, the plant’s management team faced Christmas of 2012 with increasing satisfaction, if not optimism, for the plant’s future. In December, they made an operational profit for the first time for over two years. By spring of 2013, even Tongfa, at a corporate level, was starting to look more favourably on the Huada plant. More significantly, Tongfa had asked the plant to start work on trials for a new product – ‘heavyweight’ paper. April 2013 was a good month for the plant. It had chalked up three months of profitability, and Tongfa formally gave the heavyweight ink-jet paper contract to Huada, and were generally more up-beat about the future. At the end of April, GoldPaper reversed their decision to close the plant.

The future
2013 was a profitable year for the plant – by the end, they had captured 75 per cent of Tongfa’s China printing paper business and were being asked to work on several other large projects. “Tongfa now seems very keen to work with us. It has helped us with our own suppliers also. We have already given considerable assistance to our main paper supplier to improve their own internal process control procedures. Recently we were in a meeting with people from all different parts of Tongfa. There was all kinds of confidential information going around. But you could never tell that there was an outsider (us) in the room. They were having arguments amongst themselves about certain issues and no one could have been there without feeling that basically we were a part of that company. In the past they’ve always been very close with some information. Basically the change is all down to their new-found trust in our capabilities”. (Jack Li)

4.1.1    Element 011 – Assignment
Mark    Learning Outcome
1.    Specialism Topic (600 words)
Select one from the following 3 options and write 600 word summary topic

Option 1: Describe the role of information systems in careers in one of the following areas: accounting/finance, human resources, marketing, and operations management, and explain how careers in information systems have been affected by new technologies and outsourcing.

Option 2:  For an organisation of your choice, write a 600 word short case that summarises how they have strategically harnessed the use of operations and/or information systems. You could consider using Gartner research as a starting point. Gartner are an Anglia Ruskin partner, you can connect to their site from the http://my.anglia.ac.uk- click on “auto-login to Gartner website” from the “Links to Partner Sites” section. You do not have to get your case from there; any suitable source will be fine.

Option 3:  How much can business intelligence and business analytics help SME’s refine their business strategy? A good starting point is Chapter 10 Improving Decision Making and Managing Knowledge.    30%    LO1
2.    Apply relevant models to the Huada Plant to analyse the current challenges they have in their operations processes and satisfying the customer. This could include: the input-process-output model; the value chain model and business process mapping. Evaluate how they could improve the operations processes; this should promote the database system and other ideas for operations improvement (700 words)    30%    LO1, LO2, LO3
3.    Complete a mind map/rich picture to identify and explore the people; management and technology issues at the Huada Plant.  Analyse how to improve the operations and the Huada Plant considering these issues. (600 words)    30%    LO4
4.    Academic Rigour
Your assignment should be written in good business English and be well structured and presented. Your assignment should clearly include the academic insight, i.e. the concepts and the supporting references involved, indicated in the assignment and listed in the references and bibliography    10%    N/A
Turnitin®UK Grademark assignments
This assignment is submitted online via Turnitin® Grademark, there is information on preparing your assignment at: https://vle.anglia.ac.uk/sites/LTA/Grademark/Content/Preparing%20my%20Assignment.aspx
Information on submitting your assignment must be read and guidelines adhered to, please ensure you read: https://vle.anglia.ac.uk/sites/LTA/Grademark/Content/Quick-Start.aspx
The direct link to Turnitin® UK Grademark is: http://www.submit.ac.uk
Marking Criteria for Element 011 – Assignment
Part 1
Information systems; e-business and successful operations are increasingly recognised as being strategically important to the success of businesses and economies     A
= 21-30     Sample comments
The topic chosen has been researched in depth which has led to a clear exploration of the area. Supporting references demonstrate that the area has been researched very comprehensively.
Some indicators of an A grade:
•    The area is explained expertly and this is well-referenced with supporting literature.
•    The discussion is eloquent and well-argued.
=18-20     Sample comments
There is good evidence of research into the topic chosen using relevant literature. The topic is understood and has been researched well.
Some indicators of a B grade:
•    The topic is understood and defined, however, in places could be more in detail.
•    There is good use of references.
=15-17     Sample comments
The discussion of the topic is clear, but it is more descriptive than exploratory. There is an acceptable level of understanding of the topic.
Some indicators of a C grade:
•    The area is described and understood – but there needed to be more depth.
•    There are some linkages to the theory, however, the reflection needed more references
=12-14     Sample comments
The explanation of the topic is largely descriptive, it is somewhat understood. There are very few references to literature
Some indicators of a D grade:
•    The topic has been explained, but this is basic
•    There is minimal evidence of reading.
= 11 and below.     Sample comments
No real explanation of the topic, the explanation is not adequate and lacks references.
Some indicators of an unsuccessful attempt:
•    Brief description of the area chosen.
•    Lacks references to theory.

Part 2
Apply relevant models to Huada Plant to analyse the current challenges they have in their operations processes and satisfying the customer. This could include: the input-process-output model; the value chain model and business process mapping. Evaluate how they could improve the operations processes; this should promote the database system and other ideas for operations improvement.
NOTES: Credit should be given for applying other RELEVANT models. Student may have applied models to a specific area; this is fine if explained and appropriate    A
= 21-30     Sample comments
There is an excellent level of analysis of the operations challenges at Huada Plant. The analysis benefitted from the adept application of a range of analytical tools. You make some clear well-articulated suggestions for operations improvements at Huada Plant.
Some indicators of an A grade:
•    Thorough, in-depth analysis
•    Full range of models applied well to the company
•    Deep analysis – critique of the important aspects for the company is given in the discussion of the model
•    Section flows really well
•    Thoughtful and creative solutions are proposed for Huada Plant
•    Research beyond the case study
=18-20     Sample comments
Very good analysis of operations at Huada Plant using a good range of analytical models. Some clear good improvement ideas have been made for how Huada Plant could improve their situation
Some indicators of a B grade:
•    Good analysis throughout
•    Full range of models applied mostly well to the company
•    Evidence of some analysis – including some discussion of the company considerations
•    Good ideas are put forward for improvement
•    Improvements are somewhat applied to the specific company
=15-17     Sample comments
Some consideration of the operations at Huada Plant has been made; this could have been more detailed. You consider how well they currently operate, but, there could have been more depth and understanding shown. You have made a good attempt at evaluating how Huada Plant can improve their systems and operations. However, this needed more reflection and consideration Some indicators of a C grade:
•    Some good analysis has been conducted
•    Models applied, but in places with limited depth and analysis
•    The analysis needed to be deeper and more thought was needed
•    Improvements have some merit
=12-14     Sample comments
There is a basic grasp of Huada Plant and operations. But you don’t really demonstrate enough understanding of how operations work at Huada Plant or apply enough of the models and theories to get a higher mark. Your improvements are a bit too basic and needed more consideration.
Some indicators of a D grade:
•    There is some discussion of systems and operations
•    Needed to be much more focus on the company
•    In places, difficult to see whether the models are fully understood
•    There are some ideas put forward for the company
•    These is either no depth provided on any of them or no coherent link to the issues the company face
= 11 and below.     Sample comments
There has been no real analysis of operations at Huada Plant. In this section, you should have applied models to Huada Plant (e.g. the input-process-output model; value chain; business process mapping; etc.) and then reflected on their current approach. You don’t discuss how Huada Plant could improve their organisation through their systems and operations.
Some indicators of an unsuccessful attempt:
•    Question not really answered
•    Abstract discussion – no emphasis on the case study company
•    No or few models applied
•    No clear improvements given.

Part 3

Complete a mind map/rich picture to identify and explore the people; management and technology issues at Huada Plant. Analyse how to improve the operations and Huada Plant considering these issues.
NOTES: This section links into other modules. So it can include theories/ideas from other modules, providing they are relevant to the recommendations. For example: change management; training; team work; project management etc. may be considered.     A
= 21-30     Sample comments
Well-presented mind map that highlighted the people; management and technology issues for Huada Plant. Good consideration of the possible negative outcomes and how to manage these.
Some indicators of an A grade:
•    Thorough, in-depth consideration of the people; management and technology issues that may arise
•    Explanation of how people; management and technology issues could be managed
=18-20     Sample comments
Your mind map demonstrates the different people; management and technology issues that effect Huada Plant. There could have been more exploration of how to manage those issues.
Some indicators of a B grade:
•    Good identification of relevant issues
•    Some discussion of how the company can manage these issues
=15-17     Sample comments
There is some identification of the different people and management issues at Huada Plant, although this really needed more reflection and consideration.
Some indicators of a C grade:
•    Some good discussion of the people; management and technology issues is given
•    However, there needed to be more depth provided
=12-14     Sample comments
Your discussion of people; management and technology issues at Huada Plant is very brief and needed more consideration.
Some indicators of a D grade:
•    There is some discussion of the people and management issues
•    Seems a bit naive
= 11 and below.     Sample comments
You don’t discuss the people; management and technology issues at Huada Plant or how they could be managed.
Some indicators of an unsuccessful attempt:
•    Question not really answered
•    Abstract discussion – no emphasis on the company

Academic Rigour and Feedback for Future Assignments
Your assignment should be written in good business English and be well structured and presented. Your assignment should clearly include the academic insight, i.e. the concepts and the supporting references involved, indicated in the assignment and listed in the references and bibliography.     A
=7-10     Sample comments
Extremely professional layout and formatting of your assignment. It is well-written and makes good use of diagrams and figures.
Some indicators of an A grade:
•    Professional presentation
•    Clear focused structure
•    Uses headings and sub-headings well with a table of contents
•    Written in the right tone
•    Great use of diagrams and figures
•    References used to good effect and Harvard referencing consistently applied
=6     Sample comments
Your assignment is well written and well-presented. In the main it has a clear structure and the layout and presentation is good.
Some indicators of an B grade:
•    Mostly professional presentation
•    Mostly clear structure that uses headings and sub-headings well with a table of contents for report navigation
•    Mostly written in the right tone
•    Good use of diagrams and figures
•    References used to good effect and Harvard referencing applied for the most part
=5     Sample comments
Your assignment is clear and there has been some attempts to make it professional.
Some indicators of an C grade:
•    An effort has been made for professional presentation – but could be more polished
•    Structure is clear
•    Could have used more headings and sub-headings
•    Needed to improve the tone
•    Some good diagrams and figures
•    References used to good effect but could improve the use of Harvard referencing
=4     Sample comments
The presentation of your assignment was average and there was an effort made to structure your report.
Some indicators of an D grade:
•    Much more effort needed for professional presentation
•    Structure is not clear enough
•    Needed to use far more headings and sub-headings
•    Needed to improve the tone
•    Not enough diagrams and figures
•    Not enough references used and needed to apply Harvard referencing more fully
=3 and below     Sample comments
Your assignment needed a lot more work to improve its presentation and structure. You needed to clearly indicate the sections.
Some indicators of an unsuccessful attempt:
•    Presentation was not at all professional
•    The structure was non-existent
•    No headings and sub-headings used
•    Inappropriate and/or disrespectful tone
•    None or one/two diagrams and figures
•    None or one/two references used and needed to apply Harvard referencing more fully
Report on Last Delivery of Module

Module Code and Title:       MOD003553 Systems and Operations Management
Anglia Ruskin Department:         Accounting, Finance and Operations Management
Location(s) of Delivery:     Chelmsford & Cambridge

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